Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



RETICULA is a four-monthly online technical-scientific journal, dealing with ecological connectivity, green infrastructures, ecosystem services and environmental governance connected to eco-sustainable planning of the territory and landscape.

The mission of RETICULA is to observe and disseminate the latest news related to the journal themes, as well as to promote exchange of know-how among the academics and researchers and the administrations and the freelancers involved in planning and design practices. 

Director of the journal (ISPRA): Luciano Bonci. Editorial Committee (ISPRA): Serena D'Ambrogi, Michela Gori, Matteo Guccione, Luisa Nazzini. Scientific Committee: Corrado Battisti (Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy), José Fariña Tojo (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain), Sergio Malcevschi (University of Pavia, Italy), Patrizia Menegoni (ENEA, Italy), Jürgen R. Ott (Universität Koblenz · Landau, Germany), Riccardo Santolini (University of Urbino, Italy). 

The journal has a  Code of Ethics compliant with the guidelines adopted by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE).

RETICULA is edited following the ISPRA quality management system compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 requirements. Since 2016, RETICULA is included among the scientific journals of Area 08 of ANVUR, the National Evaluation Agency of the University and Research System. The journal is registered with ISSN code 2283-9232 in the Register of periodicals of the Court of Rome, n. 140/2018. 

All articles published in the journal undergo a double-blind peer review process with the collaboration of the Scientific Committee of the journal and a  group of experts with proven experience  in the topics covered by RETICULA. To the extent of their own specific competence, anyone can submit an article written according to the editorial standards, or some piece of news, using the appropriate form. The editorial committee can be contacted by e-mail at the address  

The call for papers  is open for the monographic issue 2021 which will focus on “NBS - Nature Based Solutions and the territory: taking care of Nature with Nature”, with deadline the 14th of June. If you are interested in receiving notification of the publication of the next issues and on the RETICULA initiatives, fill in the registratrion form.



Reticula n.35/2024
Technical Periodicals   35 / 2024
Reticula n. 34/2023
Coexistence and management of human-wildlife conflicts
Technical Periodicals   34 / 2023
Reticula n.33/2023
Technical Periodicals   33 / 2023
Reticula n. 32/2023
Technical Periodicals   2023
RETICULA n. 31/2022 Monographic Number
The protection of ecological connectivity after 30 years of Habitats Directive
Technical Periodicals   31 / 2022
Reticula n. 30/2022
Technical Periodicals   30 / 2022
Reticula n. 29/2022
Technical Periodicals   29 / 2022
Reticula n.28/2021. Monographic number
Nature-Based Solutions and territory: take care of Nature with Nature
Technical Periodicals   28 / 2021
Reticula n. 27/2021
Technical Periodicals   27 / 2021
Reticula n. 26/2021
Technical Periodicals   26 / 2021
RETICULA n. 25/2020 Monographic Number
Forestation for ecological connectivity and territorial resilience to climate change
Technical Periodicals   25 / 2020
Reticula n. 24/2020
Technical Periodicals   24 / 2020
Reticula nr. 23/2020
Technical Periodicals   23 / 2020
Reticula n. 22/2019 Monographic Number
Protection and implementation of ecological connectivity in River Contracts
Technical Periodicals   22 / 2019
Reticula n.21/2019
Technical Periodicals   21 / 2019
Reticula n.20/2019
-   2019
Reticula n. 19/2018 Monographic Number
Green infrastructures and soft mobility, experiences and considerations for new synergies
Technical Periodicals   19 / 2018
Reticula n.18/2018
Technical Documents   18 / 2018
Reticula n.17/2018
Technical Periodicals   17 / 2018
Reticula n. 16/2017 - monographic number
The Carta della Natura system as source of data and information for planning activities
Technical Periodicals   16 / 2017