Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research

Energy efficiency and decarbonisation: in Italy the energy requirement per unit of GDP reduced by 23.4% since 2005
Energy efficiency and decarbonisation: in Italy the energy requirement per unit of GDP reduced by 23.4% since 2005
Sep 26, 2024

Energy efficiency and decarbonisation: in Italy the energy requirement per unit of GDP reduced by 23.4% since 2005

The ISPRA Report “Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italy and in the biggest European countries” 2024 Edition is online
The energy and economic efficiency and progressive decarbonisation of the national economy are growing from 2005 to 2022. In Italy, the energy requirement per unit of GDP is reduced by 23.4%, while greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP are decreasing reduce by 32%. Similarly, greenhouse gas emissions per unit of energy consumed in all the main production sectors have decreased since 2005: -7.8% for agriculture, -10.4% for industry and -22.6% for services.

On the renewable sources front, Italy is second only to Sweden among the main European countries, in terms of share of gross domestic consumption of energy from renewable sources. The national share of renewable energy compared to gross domestic consumption is equal to 19% in 2022, while the European average is equal to 18.4%. On the other hand, the objective of renewable sources, calculated on final consumption, sees Italy at 19.1% compared to the European average of 23%.

This is what emerges from the energy and economic indicators in relation to greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in the 2024 edition of the ISPRA Report "Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italy and in the biggest European countries", available online.


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Further information;

Press release NET – scieNcE Together

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