Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Historical geophysical cartography

Recovery project

The project aims to make available to the scientific community the official geophysical maps of the Geological Survey of Italy at various scales (1:1,000,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000) that were provided only on paper, by means of the digitization and georeferencing of the maps and anomalies. The original maps, the anomaly contours and, if present, the station positions will be available: both raster and vector data can be downloaded directly from this site to be displayed on a GIS Application.
The gravimetric cartography printed by the Geological Service since the 60's of the last century "to allow a comparison between surface geological survey data and those obtained by one of the geophysical methods most suited to structural studies" (Amadei G., Segre A.G., Tribalto G.: Alcune considerazioni sulla gravimetria e sulla geologia del foglio 158 ”Latina” della carta geologica d’Italia - Atti Associazione Geofisica Italiana, 1965), is represented by 11 Sheets at 1:100,000 scale on transparent acetate to enable the overlapping on the geological sheet and thus allow a joint reading of the two maps and their interpretation. Additional gravimetric maps were printed at 1:50,000 scale such as 389 "Anagni", 291 "Pergola" and 332 "Scansano" Sheets, where the Bouguer anomaly was overprinted on the map topography. In the sheet 301 "Fabriano", edited as the first "Gravimetric and Structural Map", the gravimetric anomalies and the results of structural studies related to geological surveys are integrated, in collaboration with other Institutions.
The most recent sheets at 1:50,000 scale are 373 "Cerveteri" and 374 "Roma".
At small scale the 1:1,000,000 Gravimetric (1989) and Aeromagnetic map (1994) and the 1:1,250,000 Gravimetric map (2005), extended to the whole national territory, are available. Some of these Sheets can currently be viewed in the “Geophysical maps at small scale” and in “Geothematic Cartography at 1:50,000 scale” sections.
State of the art of the Recovery Project in 2018 (expected to be completed in 2019): vector (Esri shapefile) and raster (tif) data are georeferenced in WGS84 - UTM 32 or 33, and are available for the following gravimetric Sheets:

  • 1:100,000 scale: Cerveteri, Latina, Civitavecchia, Terracina, Bracciano, Roma, Gaeta, Viterbo and Frosinone;
  • 1:50.000 gravimetric Sheet: Fabriano, Pergola and Scansano;
  • In addition, the Gravimetric Map of Italy at 1:1.000.000 scale has been digitized and georeferenced, with vectorization of the Bouguer anomaly contours.

Sheet 142 "Civitavecchia" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 143 "Bracciano" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 149 "Cerveteri" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 150 "Roma" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 158 "Latina" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 170 "Terracina" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 171 "Gaeta" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 137 "Viterbo" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 159 "Frosinone" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 301 "Fabriano" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 291 "Pergola" - Sheet - Shapefile

Sheet 332 "Scansano" - Sheet - Shapefile

1:1.000.000 Gravimetric Map - Sheet - Shapefile