Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Survey on the implementation of EMAS in the Italian clusters. II part. Analysis of stakeholders involvement



The research conducted by ISPRA Interdepartmental Service of Environmental Certification and Business Studies Department of the University of Roma Tre is proposed as a natural evolution of the "Survey on the implementation of EMAS in the Italian clusters" (Report RT_166_2012).

The work presents the results of a survey realized involving specific categories of stakeholders settled in the Italian Clusters that received EMAS Cluster Certificate.

In the previous report we interviewed the Management Committee and EMAS registered Organizations. The research has been expanded and the investigation was extended to local Business Organizations, Municipalities and Organizations certified ISO 14001.

In the first part of the report we present a brief discussion on the evolution of EU policy orientation and the Italian contribute for the development of Environmental Management Systems at cluster level, focusing on the key role of clusters in national production system. In the second part there are presented the results of specific questionnaires sent to local stakeholders. Finally we compared and integrated the outcome of this survey with the information collected in the previous Report (RT_166_2012).

The aim was to provide the reader an overview of the effectiveness of EMAS Cluster Certificate using a stakeholder inclusive method consistent with EMAS Cluster approach that has among its main objectives the development green participatory mechanisms.

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