Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Climate indicators of Italy in 2006 - II edition

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The second report on climate in Italy shows the trend in 2006 of the main climate indicators derived from national system for collecting, processing and dissemination of climatological data of environmental interest (SCIA, www.scia.sinanet.apat. com). The above mentioned system was created by ISPRA, in collaboration with the institutions holding data coming from the main national observational networks.
The report shows that year 2006 was much warmer than the norm in Italy, with an average anomaly of about + 1 ° C, compared with the three decades 1961-1990.
The rainfall was generally below average in the North and in the Centre, especially in the first half of the year. In the South, however, the quantity of rainfall above the average in the summer months resulted in a neutral annual water budget.


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State of the Environment