Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Text, Context and Event. Geo-Mythology, a new frontier of Earth Sciences

This volume, highly interdisciplinary, arises from the need by experts and scholars from very different disciplines (history, archeology, geology, climatology, physics, engineering, etc.) to address, in a scientific way, the study of natural physical events actually occurred in the past that have long been attributed to miracles or supernatural events and on which, in some cases, myths and legends are constructed.
The works collected in this volume, in part presented from 2009 in meetings and/or conferences, modeled in some ways the story of these events and are very different in type, ranging from simple fact summarized in short contributions, up to works particularly substancial. This is why the volume has been divided into three parts: a first part that collects short contributions relative to the most important meetings held respectively in Rome (May 2009) and Policoro (MT) in October 2010. A second part collects
interdisciplinary contributions received by Authors interested and involved to the themes treated during the above mentioned meetings. The third part contains works received subsequently and spontaneously by various Authors.


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Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 96/2014


Presentation and introduction

Appendix to introduction: Paolini A. - A nice story: the two-headed Dragon “Orestes”. From iconography to geomythological symbology

PART ONE - Short works

Agostini S. & Stoppa F. - The God abides on the fault

Bencivenga M. - Water between myth and literature

Bianco S. - Policoro (MT). Project of restoration and enhancement of the Acropolis Archaeological Park of Greek colonies of Siris and Herakleia and of the National Archaeological Museum of Siris. Area of the lower valleys of Agri and Sinni

Cerreti C. - A possible contribution from geohistorical reading

Colacino M. - Climate: myth, history and science

Di Mino M.R. - The sacred and the environment

Fea M. - An eye on the physical environment of planet Earth

Gusmano S. - School of remote Sensing and Air Cooperation

Milillo G. & Milillo P. - COSMO-SkyMed characteristics and potentialityfor archaeology

Prenner A. - Natural events and ancient literature. Some observations by Vitruvius on the hydrogeological activity of the ardeatino subsoil

Sigismondi C. - Solstices, apsides, tides and disasters

Stoppa F. - Volcanism. The prehistory: origin of the myth


Aversa M., Bussoletti G., Fea M. & Torre R. - The seaquakes in the Messina Strait area

Aversa M., Motteran G., Paolini A. & Zonetti C. - Applied Geomythology - La Piana del Cavaliere (AQ)

Aversa M. & Sera A. - Geomythological investigations on the hydrographic basin of Fosso dell’Incastro (RM). The myth of the ancient Numico river

Camerieri P. & Mattioli T. - Archaeology and environmental changes along the Velino river

Chiodini G. - Gas emissions and related hazard in Italy

Colosi F., Franchi R., Gabrielli R., Orazi R., Amico N. & Angelini A. - Information Technologies and territory

De Benedetti A., Funiciello R., Giordano G., Diano G., Scenna A. & Gaudioso F. - The recent activity of the Albano crater among volcanology, history and legend

Di Mario F. - Ardea (RM), the archaeological site of Castrum Inui. Geomorphological problems

Gertl V. - Water springs, fountains and ritual practice in the sanctuary of Demeter at Policoro (Herakleia in Lucania)

Guidoboni E. - Tsunamis ancient and medieval: a reflection of underestimation and loss of information

Lazzari M. - Using historical information for the geomorphological hazard and risk study

Nisio S. - Historical research in the study of the sinkhole phenomena

Nisio S. - The sinkholes between history, myth and legend

Mastronuzzi G., Colaianni A., Pignatelli C. & Sansò P. - Geomorphological, geochronological and archival data in the  identification of the impact of historical tsunamis

Mastronuzzi G. & Sansò P. - The seismic events of Lesina and the Matilde of Canossa legend

Paolini A. & Pirro M. - Fosso della Solforata (Rome) between myth, legend and natural risk

Piccardi L. - Geomythology and active faults: between seismic prevention and enhancement of tourism and culture

Piervitali E. - Religious processions and liturgical ceremonies: a proxy source for past climate

Pirro M. & Cipollari V. - The tiburtino Hercules layon a fault: a study on the seismicity of the area through the interpretation of the myth

Stoppa F. - Interpretation of natural disasters in Abrutian traditional culture: inferences for seismic hazard evaluation and risk mitigation after the 6 April 2009 earthquake

Stoppa F. - Reminiscences of the great tsunami of July 1627 in the Frentana coast: the case of Lanciano - San Vito Chietino port

Valenti M. - Traces of an ancient earthquake in the archaeological complex of Barco Borghese at Monte Porzio Catone (Rm – Italy)?

Maurizio Fea - Satellite images of the European Space Agency (ESA -ESRIN)

PART THREE - Other contributions

Bencivenga M. & Bersani P. - Influence of climate changes on floods of the Tiber river in Rome

Bevilacqua G. - Science communication: the sensitive relation among science, media and public

Capriotti Vittozzi G. - Egypt: a Land between river and desert. Catastrophic events between history and myth

Cozza F. - The beast between the walls: monsters, demons, saints and wonders in the territories of Alto Crotonese

Margottini C. & Spizzichino D. - The management of cultural heritage in sites prone to natural hazard

Piccardi L. - Post-glacial activity and earthquakes of the Great Glen Fault (Scotland)

Scarfone A. - Geomythological presences on costal area of Sapri

Ventura G. - The Oyster and the Fin: history, legend and curiosity

Mario Aversa - Final conclusions