Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Clean Water for a Healthy World

March 22nd , World Water Day 2010

22 March Since 1992, 22nd of March is the World Water Day. The main objective of this initiative originated from the United Nations Rio Summit, is to highlight the importance of fresh water and to propel sustainability in water management. Every year the World Water Day is focused on a specific aspect of fresh water and this year it is dedicated to quality. All over the world water quality has degenerated mainly because of human activity. The population growth , the fast urbanisation, the discharge of new chemical and pathogen agents from industries, the invasive species, everything has a direct impact on water quality. In addition climate changes can threaten more. The campaigns of the World Water Day 2010 are envisaged mainly to raise awareness about  sustaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being through addressing the increasing water quality challenges in water management and to raise the profile of water quality by encouraging governments, organizations, communities, and individuals around the world to act in a proactive way.