Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research

Measuring air quality: all the SNPA mobile laboratories gathered in Terni
Measuring air quality: all the SNPA mobile laboratories gathered in Terni
Jan 22, 2025

Ensure the quality of the measurements, the homogeneity of the procedures and the data produced. This is the objective of the technical comparison, organized by ISPRA in collaboration with Arpa Umbria, which starts in Terni on 23 January at the headquarters of the regional Agency. For two weeks the 21 mobile laboratories of the national SNPA system dedicated to the measurement of fine particles, ozone, nitrogen oxides and dioxides, benzene, metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) will be brought together.
ISPRA, as a National Reference Laboratory (pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of the Environment n° 67 of 02/04/2022), has the task of organizing and implementing reliability programs to which the institutions that manage the monitoring networks must participate pursuant to Annex I of Legislative Decree 155/2010. The objective of the intercomparison circuit - this is the technical term - is to achieve a harmonized improvement in the performance of air quality monitoring networks at a national level, in compliance with art. 17 and Annex I of Legislative Decree 155/2010 and subsequent amendments. and allow participants to improve the reliability of the measurement data they produce, comparing with the performances provided by the other participants and by the National Reference Laboratory, as well as to monitor the QA/QC procedures, defined by the Ministerial Decree 30/3/2017 to ensure the quality of the measurement results, and, if the circuit highlights instrumental or procedural deficiencies, to adopt the necessary corrective actions.


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Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Jan 24, 2025

CAMS National Collaboration Program Italy - Second Phase
The second phase of the CAMS Italia National Collaboration Program represents an important recognition of the significant results obtained in the first phase of activity in the field of atmospheric monitoring in Italy, promoting joint development actions between different users and researchers based, also promoting training activities and specific information.

Days with frost - ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database
Days with frost - ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database
Jan 23, 2025

ISPRA data confirm a decrease in the number of days with frost in our country.
In 2023 in Italy there were approximately 10 days less than the average for the thirty-year period 1991-2021
The Days with frost indicator from the ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database calculates the number of days in which the minimum air temperature drops below 0°C, a key parameter for monitoring the evolution of the climate and its effects.
Understanding these phenomena is essential to develop effective climate change adaptation strategies and respond to the challenges of global warming.

The Blue Crab containment plan presented to MASAF in the presence of ministers Lollobrigida and Pichetto Fratin
The Blue Crab containment plan presented to MASAF in the presence of ministers Lollobrigida and Pichetto Fratin
Jan 22, 2025 — Jan 22, 2025

On 22 January at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, the extraordinary commissioner for the Blue Crab, Pref. Enrico Caterino, accompanied by the Director of the Department for monitoring and protection of the environment for the conservation of biodiversity of ISPRA, Luigi Ricci , illustrated the contents of the "Intervention plan to contain and combat the phenomenon of the spread and proliferation of the blue crab species".

The result of joint work coordinated by ISPRA and carried out in collaboration with the National Research Council, CREA, Port Authorities, Ministries and territorial bodies of the Regions most affected by the emergency. The plan, with a total financing of 10 million euros - allocated in the Legislative Decree. Agriculture - for the two-year period 2025-2026, aims to protect the biodiversity of the affected habitats, contain and combat the proliferation of the invasive species, prevent further economic damage and promote the resumption of farming and fishing activities.

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