Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Krsko nuclear power plant

Information note on the accident occured at the Krsko nuclear


power plant(Slovenia)
The European Community Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE), the European commission system of notification of the radiological and nuclear emergencies, announced the end of the emergency caused by the accident occured yesterday at the Slovenian Krsko nuclear power plant. The plant has been powered down and stabilized and the situation seems to be completely under control. The environment seems to be safe and it wasn't necessary to adopt any external emergency measurement. The accident consisted in a reactor cooling water loss, that however remained inside the containment building whereof the plant, built upon an american project, is provided. The Italian territory is out of risk. APAT, as national contact point of the ECURIE system, promptly received the news and transmitted it to the Civil Defense. APAT will follow the event, trying to find out the technical causes of the accident.