Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Meetings on the E.I.A. - Episode n.5

The topics will be training and environmental research on EIA, collaboration with universities, differentiated training targets, quality of environmental impact studies, ISPRA Summer School. With the voices of Minister Pichetto Fratin, ISPRA President Laporta and ISPRA General Director Siclari, the training activities of the School of Specialization in Environmental Disciplines in which the EIA theme is inserted are presented. together with the ISPRA manager of the school Daniela Antonietti. The students of the Summer School on EIA also speak: in June 2024, in fact, future environmental technicians were welcomed in Palermo. 65 university students and PhDs from all over Italy and supported by teachers from ISPRA, the National VIA Commission, ARPA, UniPA and UniSapienza in on-the-job training. A lot of enthusiasm and desire to learn among these young people and great interaction between them and some of the protagonists of the VIA, thanks to the educational program accompanied by workshops and inspections.