Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


ISIN, from previous experience to new scenarios to ensure efficiency and security

The first ISIN conference takes place at a time in history when the debate on the country's energy policies, and in particular on the possible return to nuclear energy production, is very heated: it therefore intends to constitute a moment of discussion and reflection open to all the parties involved.

  • When May 06, 2025 from 08:45 AM to 05:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
  • Where Rome, Centro Congressi Roma Eventi - Piazza di Spagna, via Alibert, 4
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The day is divided into two parts: in the first, both the representatives of politics and the system of institutional stakeholders and stakeholders will share their vision on the possible development of the new regulatory framework envisaged by the recently released draft law on nuclear power; in the second, the Independent Regulatory Authority - which dutifully remained only in the listening role during the first - will present its skills and its organization, turning on specific technical focuses and illustrating its modus operandi, between what it has been up to now and what it could become - subject to specific strengthening - in the near future.

Maria Siclari,  ISPRA DG and Coordinator of the ISIN Consultation, will participate in the conference

Program and registration