Reticula n.36/2024
Regional ecological networks: purpose and instrument of the National Biodiversity Strategy
Francesco Tomas
New perspectives for ecological networks in Italy: ISPRA activities
Luigi Ricci
The ecological network of the Basilicata region: special project of the Regional Landscape Plan
Antonella Logiurato, Vito Orlando, Giuseppe Calabria, Maria Pompili
Ecological networks and ecosystem structures in Tuscany territorial planning: from the regional level to the local implementation
Leonardo Lombardi, Cristina Castelli, Fabrizio Bartolini
Ecological continuity in spatial planning in Sicily: a missed opportunity
Vincenzo Todaro
Ecological networks in Lombardy and development of an over regional ”perspective”
Patrizia Digiovinazzo, Irene Benedetti, Mattia Bertocchi, Sergio Canobbio, Giuliana Cavalli, Bruna Comini, Marzia Cont, Gherardo Fracassi, Francesco Lanini, Alessandra Norcini, Fabrizio Oneto, Anna Rampa, Marco Torretta, Dario Kian
BOX - PlanToConnect: Planning and implementation of green and blue strategic infrastructure networks
for ecological connectivity
Claudio Chiapparini, Peter Laner, Beatrice Mosso
BOX - The NaturaConnect project: scientific support for european targets for protected areas and ecological corridors
Piero Visconti