Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


III Annual Report on Urban Environmental Quality - Edition 2006 - Summary

On the occasion of the "Fifth European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns" (Seville, March 21-24 th 2007) has been published the English synthesis of the III Annual report on urban environmental quality, principal product of the Project "Environmental quality in the Italian metropolitan areas". This synthesis is made necessary by the interest manifested by several international organs after the positive result of the III Report and is proposed as a tool to spread out of the national circle.  
The synthesis brings the main data related to the towns with population bigger than 150.000 inhabitants, for the following topics: Metropolitan areas, Energy, emissions and air quality, Transports, Water, local Sustainability, Nature and ecological nets, Exposure to electromagnetic pollution and indoor pollution, Communication and information, Soil, local Planning, Impacts and answers.

State of the Environment