Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Quaterly bulletin on research funding in the field of water protection

State of the environment report (SOER) is the most important evaluation of the European Environmental Agency, published every 5 years, gives information about status, tendencies and perspectives of the european environment. SOER 2010 deals about for themes: 1) thematic evaluation about main environmental questions (climate change, biodiversity, pollution, marine environment, consumptions), 2) an evaluation about the large global tendencies of the european environment, 3) evaluations of the single countries and 4) an integrated synthesis report. The report focus that the global natural resources demand for food, dressing, housing and transport is increasing, thus creating all over the world a higher pressure on ecosystems, economies and social cohesion. However, the report reveals that in Europe good environmental policies keep on improving the environment without compromising the development potential.


Technical Periodicals