Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


The genetic monitoring of the wolf

Sampling campaign and methods for samples collecting

Ozzano (BO), 24 March

Given the recent renewal of the agreement between the Regions and ex INFS genetics laboratory for genetic monitoring of the wolf, ISPRA proposed a meeting  in ordert to exchange views. The meeting was held at ISPRA - ex INFS headquarters in Ozzano. Among the partecipants officials and technical staff, State Forestry agents and representatives of Federcaccia. The purpose of the meeting was to reassert the state of knowledge owned by Regions and Parks, both the ones who had made for long time campaigns to collect samples for genetic analysis, such as Emilia Romagna, and for the ones that started only recently. The participation and contribution of all was valuable to discuss issues related to the monitoring of species and for sharing and developing an appropriate monitoring strategy. The aim is to redefine the sampling campaign and the methods of samples collecting and information exchange.