Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Environmental performance survey of EMAS registered tourist enterprises in the light of sectorial reference document (DRS)

The current study arose from the need to investigate the environmental performance level of the Italian EMAS registered organizations operating in the tourism sector, in particular by using the tools and parameters provided by the Sectorial Reference Document (DRS) dedicated specifically to this production sector, alongside the key indicators provided annually by the same organizations.

In other words, we wanted to verify the commitment and the results obtained in environmental terms by the EMAS registered organizations and therefore: the performance levels achieved so far; the trends in environmental performance recorded in the three-year period taken into account; the overall environmental improvement recorded.

The document, in addition to a first chapter of methodological nature, consists of 3 chapters, each of which investigates one of the aforementioned environmental aspects on the basis of the data and commitments declared by the same organizations within the Environmental Declarations (DA) developed in the EMAS context.

Download the report (pdf 5.7 mb)
