Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Quaterly bulletin on a research funding in the field on water protection

The European Commission has adopted a "Partnership Agreement" with Italy setting down the strategy for the optimal use of European Structural and Investment Funds throughout the country. Today’s agreement paves the way for investing €32.2 billion in total Cohesion Policy funding over 2014-2020 (current prices, including European Territorial Cooperation funding and the allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative). Italy also receives €10.4 billion for rural development and €537.3 million for fisheries and the maritime sector.

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in Italy are: the European Regional Development Fund; the European Social Fund; the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

There are two important points in the agreement: the first is the increasing of funding for the development of broadband. The second is that each national or regional programme has to be accompanied by an administrative strengthening plan signed by related ministry or governor.


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