Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


How to obtain EMAS registration

Come ottenere la registrazione



To obtain an EMAS registration an organization should:

1. Carry out an environmental analysis.
Examine all the environmental impacts of the activities carried out: production processes, products and services, assessment methods, legal aspects, environmental management procedures already in use

2. Adopt an environmental management system.
Based on the results of the environmental analysis, create an effective environmental management system to implement the organization's environmental policy and achieve the improvement objectives defined by the company management. The system must specify responsibilities, means, operating procedures, training needs, monitoring and control measures, communication systems.

3. Carry out an environmental audit.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the management system and environmental performance with respect to the policy implemented, the improvement objectives, the environmental programs of the organization, and the regulations in force.

4. Prepare an environmental statement.
The environmental declaration must describe the results achieved with respect to the environmental objectives set and indicate how and with which programs the organization expects to continuously improve its performance in the environmental field.

5. Obtain independent verification from an EMAS verifier.
A verifier accredited by an EMAS accreditation body of a Member State must examine and verify the environmental analysis, the environmental management system, the audit procedure and activities, the environmental statement.

6. Register the declaration with the competent body of the Member State.
The environmental statement validated by the verifier must be sent to the competent body of the Member State for registration. Once registered, the organization receives a number that identifies it in the European register, has the right to use the EMAS logo and makes the environmental declaration available to the public.