Activation of curricular and extra-curricular internships
The curricular internship is activated on the initiative of the Promoter (Universities, state and non-state university education institutions authorized to issue academic qualifications, other higher education institutions that issue qualifications recognized at national and European level; state and private educational institutions; entities accredited by the Region for the provision of professional training) also on topics proposed by ISPRA.
The relationship between the Promoter and ISPRA is regulated by a specific Agreement which regulates the methods of activation and completion of the internships.
To conclude the Agreement, the Promoter sends, on its headed paper, a note of request to ISPRA, Service for Environmental Education and Training and for the technical coordination of the activities of the Directorate - Environmental Education and Training Area - Section for the promotion of training-work alternation projects, to the PEC address
Once the request has been received and the investigation is successful, the Agreement is signed.
List agreements for activation of curricular internships
In order to activate an internship, the validity of a specific agreement stipulated between the Promoter and ISPRA is necessary.
For the purposes of starting the investigation it will be necessary for the student: fill the format registration
- giving authorization to process personal data, attaching your curriculum vitae, signed and complete with the declarations required pursuant to art. 76 of the Presidential Decree 445/2000, and the certificate obtained for general training in health and safety matters pursuant to art. 37 Legislative Decree 81/08, as well as further certificates held and relating to specific training;;
- follow the internship activation procedures envisaged by the Promoter, possibly including registration/self-nomination on the web platform (e.g. Jobsoul, ESSE3, GOMP, etc.) operating at the Promoter
- the Promoter must send, on its own headed paper, to ISPRA, Service for environmental education and training and for the technical coordination of Management activities, Environmental education and training area - Section for the promotion of training-work alternation projects, at the PEC , a request of internship activation
Once the investigation has been positively resolved, the internships will, as a rule, start from the first working day of each month.
When registering online, the student must send at least the certificate attesting to having passed the General Workers' Training course on health and safety at work lasting 4 hours. If they also have specific training, they will produce these additional certificates.
In order to be able to activate the internship starting from the agreed date, the complete documentation, as indicated/listed above, must reach ISPRA at least 15 working days before the presumed start date of the internship.
Requests received outside the prpcedure/terms described above will not be taken into consideration.
- Activation of curricular and extra-curricular internships
This type of internship is subject to the availability of available funds
Further information: