Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Events and News

Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Fuel pellets Gulf of Follonica
Jul 27, 2020

Ispra and Arpa Toscana are working with the members of the National Civil Protection Service to ensure the removal of the bales fuel pellets  dispersed in the Gulf of Follonica following the accident of the "IVY" motor ship, which occurred in July 2015.

Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Signing up to the Newsletter of the "Plastic Blusters MPAs" project
Jul 22, 2020

The 4-year project, started on 1 February 2018, is financed by the European Community INTERREG MED Cooperation and is coordinated by ISPRA. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and accession states join forces to tackle marine litter with a coordinated approach.

End of waste and by-products: solutions for a circular economy suistainable and efficacious
End of waste and by-products: solutions for a circular economy suistainable and efficacious
Jul 17, 2020 11:30 AM — Jul 17, 2020 03:30 PM Webinar

In order to close the circular economy cycle, it is necessary to work on the tools that can give operators certainty regarding  by-product qualification of the production residues that they generate and the cessation of the waste qualification at the end of a recovery process, so that these materials can effectively return to the market

Epidemiological emergency, Covid-19 and waste cycle
Epidemiological emergency, Covid-19 and waste cycle
Jul 15, 2020 01:00 PM — Jul 15, 2020 02:45 PM Streaming web

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into illegal activities related to the waste cycle and environmental crimes (Ecomafie Commission) unanimously approved the report "COVID-19 epidemiological emergency and waste cycle".
A meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 July at Palazzo San Macuto to present the Commission's report.

Press conference: the public campaign of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the correct disposal of gloves and masks
Press conference: the public campaign of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the correct disposal of gloves and masks
Jul 03, 2020

The communication campaign of the Ministry of the Environment was presented at a press conference in Rome, in collaboration with the Coast Guard, Ispra, Iss, Enea and the Colao commission - the first live post-Covid - by Minister Sergio Costa, at the headquarters of the Command General of the Coast Guard. Three points on which he focuses: throwing masks and gloves in the undifferentiated, use as much as possible of the reusable ones, do not throw them on the ground to avoid serious damage to the environment. The President of Ispra and SNPA, Stefano Laporta, said that "Ispra and the National System for Environmental Protection" adhere to this campaign which mainly appeals to the civic sense of each of us. The numbers are clear: in Italy there is a daily production of waste from masks equal to about 410 tons, with an average value for the end of 2020 of 100,000 tons of waste. The production of glove waste at the end of the year will be of an average value of 200,000 tons. These numbers must necessarily lead us to responsible behavior towards the environment".

Hub Tecnologica Campania
Hub Tecnologica Campania
Jun 04, 2020 11:30 AM — Jun 05, 2020 08:00 PM

The Hub Tecnologica Campania was founded in full synergy with the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, Ispra, the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Reclamation of Abusive Landfills, and with the participation of all the main public and private players, national and international, in order to promote the value of land rehabilitation and environmental recovery in Campania.

Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Presentation of the SOER 2020, Environmental Data Yearbook and System Reports
Jun 03, 2020 12:00 PM — Jun 03, 2020 03:00 PM Streaming live

The next 3 June, in video streaming with the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte, and David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, will be presented the three reports dedicated to the environmental situation in Europe and in Italy: the SOER 2020 (State of the Environment Report), the Environmental Data Yearbook 2019 which shows the state of the environment in Italy and the System Report which presents regional experiences.

Watch streaming live:

ISPRA TV (double channel in English and Italian) 

Facebook page Ispra (speaker' native language)

 Youtube Ispra (only in italian)

Presentation Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2020
Presentation Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2020
May 26, 2020 05:00 PM — May 26, 2020 07:30 PM Streaming live

The special waste report, now in its nineteenth edition, is the set of complex activities of collection, analysis and processing of data by the ISPRA National Center for Waste and Circular Economy, with the contribution of regional and Provincial for the Protection of the Environment, in implementation of a specific institutional task foreseen by the art.189 of the legislative decree n. 152/2006. The Special Waste Report - 2020 Edition provides the data, for the year 2018, on the production and management of special non-hazardous and hazardous waste, at national and regional level, The Conference, in the presence of the Minister of the environment, represents an opportunity to discussion with the main stakeholders on how the waste management system is reacting to the Covid-19 emergency.

Risk analysis of contaminated sites: opportunities and prospects 10 years after the "Methodological criteria"
Risk analysis of contaminated sites: opportunities and prospects 10 years after the "Methodological criteria"
Feb 11, 2020 10:30 AM — Feb 11, 2020 06:00 PM Rome, Roma Eventi, Fontana di Trevi - Piazza della Pilotta, 4

Roma, 11 Febraury

In the assessment and management of contaminated sites, site-specific risk analysis represents a very important decision-making tool that allows to establish the contamination status of an area, the possible need for remediation and safety measures, and also purposes of human health protection and environmental resources. The manuals "Methodological criteria for the application of the absolute risk analysis of contaminated sites" and "Methodological criteria for the application of the absolute risk analysis to landfills" were the first examples of sharing and homogenization of technical / scientific procedures at national level in environmental matters between APAT (now ISPRA) and regional agencies for environmental protection.

AmbientiAMOci: environmental education project in primary school
May 24, 2016 07:00 PM — May 24, 2016 08:00 PM Roma, Forum PA