Environmental Data Year Book
- https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/archive/ispra-events/2019/03/environmental-data-year-book
- Environmental Data Year Book
- 2019-03-19T00:00:00+00:00
- 2019-03-19T23:59:59+00:00
- When Mar 19, 2019 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome, Sala della Regina, Palazzo Montecitorio, Camera dei Deputati
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Rome, 19 march
Today ISPRA presents at the Italian Chamber of Deputies the Environmental Data Yearbook 2018, result of complex and articulated research that includes multiple phases: from the systematic collection of primary data to monitoring and control, from the assessment of scientific solidity of information to the development of statistical indicators that are increasingly effective to describe the country's environmental conditions.This work is carried out by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) in collaboration with the regional environmental protection agencies and the autonomous provinces within the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), established two years ago with Law 132 of 28 June 2016
The environmental data year book, with a core-set of 306 indicators for a total amount of 150.000 data updated, it’s not a “data-base”, a simply informative system, but a useful and completed tool of knowledge for citizens, experts and decision-makers. This edition also contains the “Date on Environment” report, with a selections and synthesis of the thematics and environmental indicators in compliance with the targets of the VII Program of Environmental Action of EEA; the "Data Yearbook in numbers", that is a summary of the Data year book (integral version) for a general public, and finally the: "Recapitulate the environment: Environmental Data Yearbook"
The environmental data year book, with a core-set of 306 indicators for a total amount of 150.000 data updated, it’s not a “data-base”, a simply informative system, but a useful and completed tool of knowledge for citizens, experts and decision-makers. This edition also contains the “Date on Environment” report, with a selections and synthesis of the thematics and environmental indicators in compliance with the targets of the VII Program of Environmental Action of EEA; the "Data Yearbook in numbers", that is a summary of the Data year book (integral version) for a general public, and finally the: "Recapitulate the environment: Environmental Data Yearbook"
Environmental Data Year Book - edition 2018
Data on the environment - edition 2018
Data Yearbook in numbers - Environmental data Yearbook 2018
Web Site Environmental Data Year Book
Recapitulate the environment: Environmental Data Yearbook 2017
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