Presentation of the guidelines for the use of lichens as bioaccumulators
- Presentation of the guidelines for the use of lichens as bioaccumulators
- 2020-03-04T00:00:00+00:00
- 2020-03-04T23:59:59+00:00
- When Mar 04, 2020 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome, sede ISPRA, Via V. Brancati, 48
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Next 4 March in Rome will be presented the "Guidelines for the use of Lichens as bioaccumulators" at the ISPRA headquarters. A group of experts unified under the aegis of the Italian Lichenology Society rigorously defined the different steps of application of the method.
The day will be an opportunity for the various parties involved in the method application, but also the use of data to support and guide national and European policies or in the area of criminal proceedings