Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Stop the invasive alien species to protect biodiversity: together we make the difference!

Invasive alien species are organisms introduced by man, accidentally or voluntarily, outside their area of ​​origin, which settle in nature and cause impacts on the environment and human life. Invasive alien species threaten the existence of many species and ecosystems, like habitat destruction, and have an estimated social and economic impact of several tens of billions of euros each year in the European Union alone. In Italy there are more than 3,000 alien species, of which about 15% invasive, with an increase of 96% in the last 30 years.

  • Stop the invasive alien species to protect biodiversity: together we make the difference!
  • 2020-06-23T11:00:00+00:00
  • 2020-06-25T15:30:00+00:00
  • Invasive alien species are organisms introduced by man, accidentally or voluntarily, outside their area of ​​origin, which settle in nature and cause impacts on the environment and human life. Invasive alien species threaten the existence of many species and ecosystems, like habitat destruction, and have an estimated social and economic impact of several tens of billions of euros each year in the European Union alone. In Italy there are more than 3,000 alien species, of which about 15% invasive, with an increase of 96% in the last 30 years.
  • When Jun 23, 2020 11:00 AM to Jun 25, 2020 03:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Conference online
  • Add event to calendar iCal

In order to respond to this serious and growing threat, it has been adopted the European Regulation no. 1143/2014 "containing provisions aimed at preventing and managing the introduction and spread of invasive alien species", and to makethis Regulation to be effective, the whole society must be informed about the problems caused by invasive alien species and adopt more responsible behaviors.

Starting from these premises, Life ASAP - Alien Species Awareness Program was funded, a project coordinated by ISPRA, which involves Lazio Region, University of Cagliari, Federparchi, Legambiente, Nemo srl, TIC srl as partners, and which has been co-financed, in addition that from the European Union, also from the Ministry of the Environment and the National Parks of Aspromonte, Appennino Lucano, Tuscan Archipelago and Gran Paradiso.The final results of the project will be presented as part of a conference to be held on 23, 24 and 25 June, organized in a main digital event and following 5 thematic online events.

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Press release (ita)

Programme main event  "Fermare le specie aliene invasive per proteggere la biodiversità: insieme facciamo la differenza!" - 23 June -  Video

Programme "Allarme Alieni!" - 23 June - Video

Programme "S.O.S. Piante aliene invasive" - 24 June

Programme "Informnati, pensa, viaggia!" - 24 June - Video

Programme "Professionisti consapevoli" - 25 June - Video

Programme "Specie aliene: il coinvolgimento del pubblico nei Parchi" - 25 June - Video


The Save the Date  includes more further information .

The publication of the each single program will be published soon 

Press office ISPRA:

Organizative secretariat of ISPRA
Sabrina Arata Farris