Workshop "State of remediation of contaminated sites: a look at the regional sites"
First Report ISPRA-SNPA on the state of remediation at regional level, as a results of the cooperation between SNPA and Regions/Autonomous Provinces. What is the state of remediation in Italy on the sites of regional competence? How many contaminated and restored sites are there? Are there good practices?
The first report about the remediation of regional sites is the result of the joint activities of the SNPA and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, which provides an overview of the information data available. The Report aims to support decisions in the management of contaminated sites.
- Workshop "State of remediation of contaminated sites: a look at the regional sites"
- 2021-03-04T10:00:00+00:00
- 2021-03-04T13:30:00+00:00
- First Report ISPRA-SNPA on the state of remediation at regional level, as a results of the cooperation between SNPA and Regions/Autonomous Provinces. What is the state of remediation in Italy on the sites of regional competence? How many contaminated and restored sites are there? Are there good practices? The first report about the remediation of regional sites is the result of the joint activities of the SNPA and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, which provides an overview of the information data available. The Report aims to support decisions in the management of contaminated sites. Programme
- When Mar 04, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Streaming live
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- Federico Araneo (ISPRA) - Il primo rapporto ISPRA sulle bonifiche dei siti contaminati regionali
- Reiner Baritz (Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente - EEA) - Management of contaminated sites in Europe
- Eugenia Bartolucci (ISPRA) - Lo stato delle bonifiche in Italia: verso un database nazionale
- Andrea Merri (ARPA Lombardia) - La banca dati dei siti contaminati in Regione Lombardia: stato dell’arte e sviluppi in corso
- Manrico Marzocchini (ARPA Marche) - L’approccio del sistema informativo sui siti contaminati della Regione Marche: un punto di svolta