Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Workshop: "The recovery and improvement of abandoned mine sites in Italy, a development opportunity for geological and cultural tourism: the importance of a regulate legislation"

  • When Oct 02, 2015 from 02:30 PM to 07:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
  • Where Padiglione Expo partner 2, Sala conferenze Samsung-Tim, Milano
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The next 2 October at Expo Milano, ISPRA and the Lombardy Region, with the sponsorship  of AIPAI, will organize the workshop: "The recovery and improvement of abandoned mine sites in Italy, a development opportunity for geological and cultural tourism: the importance of a regulate legislation".The workshop aims to be an opportunity to debate on the recovery and improvement  for cultural purposes of abandoned mine sites, reconverted as museums and parks after the end of production.

The workshop will be available in streaming

Further information :


Press announcement (ita )


Expo Ticket : benefits for participants

Logistic information

How to reach the expositive site

Maps of Expo pavilions

Download the magazine " Patrimonie de l'Industrie 31"




Memorandum of Understanding - National Network Parks and Mine Museums in Italy



Organizing commitee:

Agata Patanè: Tel. 06-50074780

Rossella Sisti Tel. 06-50072379

Carmelo Scivoletto Tel. 02-67657018