Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


ISPRA partecipates at the experimental project MACRO ASILO

Rome, 5-6 march, MACRO Museum, Via Nizza, 118

Ispra will participate in the experimental project MACRO ASILO, conceived and developed by Giorgio de Finis, artistic director of the Macro Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome. The event sponsored by Roma Capitale (Department for Cultural Growth) and Special Company Pala Expo aims to transform the museum into a real "living, hospitable and rational organism". The initiative, initiated by the RiArtEco artistic movement, involved Ispra to define new forms of communication between the science world and the general public about the  knowledge and protection of the environment.

Ispra will be present next March 5 with the following topics:

  • INDICIT project: plastic in turtles;
  • Undersea environments explored in the Deep Colors of the Mediterranean;
  • Posidionia oceanica transplants in the Life SEPOSSO project;
  • The alternatives to hydro-chlorocarbons (HFC) in Italy.


Macro web site