Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Photographic exhibition: "Green city for a more sustainable and resilient future"

On 21 September in Rome, from 12.30 pm to 7 pm, at the MAXXI Museum as part of the “Abitare la scienza. Per un futuro più sostenibile” and in collaboration with Scienza Insieme, the photographic exhibition “Green city for a more sustainable and resilient future".

The exhibition has been organized with the students of the Liceo scientifico Plinio Seniore (Rome) involved in the three-year ISPRA project of Alternanza Scuola Lavoro "The environmental quality of cities - Junior ambassadors of the environment in the city".

The images on display aim to bring to the attention the importance of green and blue spaces for the quality of life and "living" the city, thanks to the many ecosystem services they provide, producing social, ecological and economic benefits. Green and blue infrastructures are  an integral part of urban areas, often connected to “gray” infrastructures such as roads and buildings, which generate land consumption and fragmentation, other topics tackled on the same day. Admission is free and free