ISPRA participates in Ecomondo 2022
Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in the green and circular economy sector within the framework of the NGEU.
An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological transition: services and integrated solutions for the enhancement of waste into resources, integrated water cycle, land reclamation and regeneration, renewable energy, energy efficiency , mobility and green infrastructures, circular economy models and the safeguarding of natural resources for sustainable development.
The traditional performance in the presence of the event is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities.
Ispra is participating at the following conference
- ISPRA participates in Ecomondo 2022
- 2022-11-08T00:00:00+00:00
- 2022-11-11T23:59:59+00:00
- Ecomondo is the reference event in Europe and the Mediterranean for technological and industrial innovation in the green and circular economy sector within the framework of the NGEU. An international fair with an innovative format that unites in a single platform all sectors supporting the ecological transition: services and integrated solutions for the enhancement of waste into resources, integrated water cycle, land reclamation and regeneration, renewable energy, energy efficiency , mobility and green infrastructures, circular economy models and the safeguarding of natural resources for sustainable development. The traditional performance in the presence of the event is enhanced by the innovative digital platform tool, already tested in the last edition, to multiply business and meeting opportunities. Ispra is participating at the following conference
- When Nov 08, 2022 to Nov 11, 2022 (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rimini
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