Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


National Storage of radioactive waste: delivered by ISPRA the report update concerning SO.G.I.N. proposal of National Charter of Areas Potentially Eligible (CNAPI)

ISPRA has today delivered to the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Ministry of Economic Development the update of the report provided by Legislative Decree n. 31/2010 on the proposal of the National Charter of Areas Potentially Eligible (CNAPI) concerning the localization and the National Storage of Radioactive Waste prepared by SO.GIN S.p.A.

That update had been requested by the Ministries for the validation of the cartographic  results and regarding the coherency  of the same criteria established by the Technical Guide n. 29 ISPRA and the IAEA.

Following the checks carried out on the update of the CNAPI proposal and the supporting documentation presented by SO.GIN, ISPRA made no further remarks.

The report ISPRA was classified, until the CNAPI will be published  by SO.GIN as a result of the authorization that will be released by the Ministries.