#CambiamoAgricoltura - toward PAC post 2020
The reform of the European agricultural policy for a contribution to the 2030 objectives for sustainable development for the environment, society and businesses
- https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/en/archive/news-and-other-events/ispra-news/year-2018/july/cambiamoagricoltura-toward-pac-post-2020
- #CambiamoAgricoltura - toward PAC post 2020
- 2018-07-13T10:00:00+00:00
- 2018-07-13T16:30:00+00:00
- The reform of the European agricultural policy for a contribution to the 2030 objectives for sustainable development for the environment, society and businesses
- When Jul 13, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 04:30 PM (GMT+0 / UTC0)
- Where Rome
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The workshop #CambiamoAgricoltura - toward PAC post 2020 will hel in Roma at the Chamber of Deputies and is structured with a first moment of debate and 3 working group about the following topics :
GROUP 1. Disappear Greening, how to manage the new Eco-scheme tool?
GROUP 2. The national strategic plan and the major environmental challenges (water, climate, Natura2000 network, abandonment of internal areas)
GROUP 3. How can we promote innovative and sustainable models (eg organic farming and social farming) in the new CAP?
At the event will partecipate an Ispra expert.