Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


EuroGeoSurvey meeting

Towards the European Agency of Earth Sciences

Rome, October 8, ISPRA, via Curtatone 3
The heads of the 33 organizations that make up the EuroGeoSurvey (no-profit Association of European Geological Service) gathered for the first time in Italy in an Extraordinary Meeting at ISPRA headquarters in Rome, to discuss the future development of earth science, including the creation of the European Agency for Earth Sciences.
"We are aware of the importance of earth sciences and geology and of the necessity for the European Union to play a leading role in the international context," declared the head of ISPRA. The conference "Earth and Wine" will be held in Riomaggiore on October 11, in the significant scenario offered by the Ligurian geomorphology. The conference is organized by the Italian Commission of the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE), in collaboration with the Cinque Terre National Park. The influence of regional processes, climate change and the degeneration of the soil on the quality and quantity of wine production will be analyzed in the context of the park.

Press release 
More information
"Terra e Vino" congress program 