Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


National Conference

Ninth National Conference of Statistics

The Ninth National Conference of Statistics will take place in Rome on December 15 and 16 at Palazzo dei Congressi. This year’s topic will be Reading change in the country. According to the program, this year roundtables and parallel sessions will address the issue of improving existing statistical processes and tools in order to seize effectively new phenomena. Initiatives for the development of statistical culture and the need to find more appropriate solutions about comparability, coherence and integration of statistical information will also be discussed. ISPRA participates with its own stand in the adjacent Salon of statistic. In addition, an open space for discussion on the different "languages of statistics” and a scientific poster section will be provided, where the scientific works of ISPRA will be presented, and in particular: "The National List of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields sources" and "Statistical analysis of the implementation of the interventions for safety from hydraulic and geological risk: the national survey and the ReNDiS Project". Participation is free.

Further information