Country visit of the European Environment Agency in Italy
The Country visit of the European Environment Agency (2024) has as its main objective the strengthening of the European environmental information and observation network (Eionet) at national level through greater involvement of institutional subjects relevant for the sharing of environmental data from the world of research. The Country visit also represents an opportunity for the country to consolidate environmental information to support government action and research in order to guarantee the quality, authority and accessibility of data.
- Country visit of the European Environment Agency in Italy
- 2024-10-09T00:00:00+02:00
- 2024-10-10T23:59:59+02:00
- The Country visit of the European Environment Agency (2024) has as its main objective the strengthening of the European environmental information and observation network (Eionet) at national level through greater involvement of institutional subjects relevant for the sharing of environmental data from the world of research. The Country visit also represents an opportunity for the country to consolidate environmental information to support government action and research in order to guarantee the quality, authority and accessibility of data.
- When Oct 09, 2024 to Oct 10, 2024 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Rome
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Le politiche ambientali europee: implementazione e supporto agli stati membri (Claudia Fusco, Commissione europea DG ENV)
Il ruolo del SINA e della rete EIONET (Michele Munafò, ISPRA)
Il contributo dell’ISS per la sostenibilità ambientale: Focus Ambiente e Salute (Luca Lucentini, ISS)
SOER 2025: the Italian Country space (Cristina Frizza e Alessandra Galosi, ISPRA)
Migrazione al Polo Strategico Nazionale (Dario Ciampoli, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dip. per la Trasformazione Digitale)
ISPRA e la migrazione al Polo Strategico Nazionale (PSN) (Luisa Vaccaro, ISPRA)
- AGENZIA PER LA CYBERSICUREZZA NAZIONALE - Servizio Programmi Industriali, Tecnologici, di Ricerca