Presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023"
The presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023" will be held on July 11th. The Report illustrates the main elements that characterized the climate in 2023 and the variations in the climate in Italy in recent decades, also in the global and European climate context, and analyzes the average values and trends of the main hydro-meteo-climatic variables and their values extremes. Furthermore, it provides insights into the climate at a national, regional and local scale, and into the most relevant and critical hydro-meteorological and meteo-marine aspects and events that occurred during the year.
The event also aims to underline the fruitful collaboration between the SNPA System and the other institutional, national and local subjects, who participated in the Report through the provision of their data and information.
- Presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023"
- 2024-07-11T09:00:00+02:00
- 2024-07-11T13:00:00+02:00
- The presentation of the SNPA Report "The climate in Italy in 2023" will be held on July 11th. The Report illustrates the main elements that characterized the climate in 2023 and the variations in the climate in Italy in recent decades, also in the global and European climate context, and analyzes the average values and trends of the main hydro-meteo-climatic variables and their values extremes. Furthermore, it provides insights into the climate at a national, regional and local scale, and into the most relevant and critical hydro-meteorological and meteo-marine aspects and events that occurred during the year. The event also aims to underline the fruitful collaboration between the SNPA System and the other institutional, national and local subjects, who participated in the Report through the provision of their data and information.
- When Jul 11, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where On line event
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