Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


International Activities and Relations with International and Foreign Organizations

ISPRA works with numerous European and international environmental scientific and technical institutes and organizations, in the implementation of its institutional mandate and in cooperation with the Ministry for the Environment , Land and Sea (MATTM), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MIPAAF) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) .

The Institute contributes to strengthen the presence of the national environmental protection agencies system within the context of the international cooperation.

ISPRA participates in numerous European projects funded by European Union Programmes relating to research and development, information sharing, training and capacity building (FP7, LIFE , ENPI ) and a number of international initiatives with the participation of its experts to work groups and scientific and technical committees . ISPRA hosts and organizes events, international meetings and study visits of delegations of foreign scientists and experts interested in the technical and scientific activities of the Institute.