Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



Greenhouse gas emissions: 26% lower in 2023 than in 1990
Greenhouse gas emissions: 26% lower in 2023 than in 1990
Mar 25, 2025

Renewables drive improvement. Transport sector remains critical

ISPRA releases official data on greenhouse gas emissions in Italy

In 2023, national greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 26% compared to 1990 levels. This trend is due to the increase in energy efficiency from renewable sources, in industrial sectors and the transition to the use of fuels with a lower carbon content.

Greenhouse gas emissions also decreased compared to the previous year (2022) by 6.8% and reached a total of 385 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

However, not all sectors showed a reduction in emissions; emissions produced by the transport sector, which derive for over 90% from road transport, continue to increase also in 2023 and are over 7% compared to 1990. Despite European directives, emission levels from road transport have remained constantly high, settling at the 2014 values ​​and thus exceeding the maximum permitted ceiling.

These are the Ispra data that emerged from the latest edition of the "National Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions" communicated, in conjunction with the emission scenarios for 2055, to the European Union.

1st National Conference of the National Health Prevention System from environmental and climatic risks (SNPS)
1st National Conference of the National Health Prevention System from environmental and climatic risks (SNPS)
Mar 27, 2025 — Mar 28, 2025

The conference will be an opportunity for discussion, consultation and proposal, for all the bodies that make up the SNPS: Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Prevention Departments of the Regions, ASL, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISPRA and ARPA.

The aim of the meeting is to verify the state of implementation of the regulations on health, environment, biodiversity and climate and identify the solutions needed to implement intersectoral policies in these areas.

Renewables: an opportunity to regulate and manage
Renewables: an opportunity to regulate and manage
Mar 27, 2025 09:45 AM — Mar 27, 2025 01:45 PM Rome, Palazzo Montecitorio, Sala della Regina

On March 27th, Palazzo Montecitorio will host the conference "Renewables: an opportunity to regulate and manage", an opportunity to discuss the regulation and governance of renewable energy with industry experts, institutions and academics

Landslides: What we know and what we do to defend ourselves; what we should know and do to defend ourselves better
Landslides: What we know and what we do to defend ourselves; what we should know and do to defend ourselves better
Jun 05, 2025 09:00 AM — Jun 05, 2025 05:00 PM Rome, - Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara 10

XLII Enivorment Day

On June 5, on the occasion of World Environment Day, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei organizes the conference "Landslides: what we know and what we do to defend ourselves; what we should know and do to defend ourselves better". The aim of the meeting is to take stock of the knowledge and technological capabilities to recognize, map, monitor and predict landslides and their impacts; to evaluate the obstacles to a full application of the available knowledge and technologies; to identify and analyze the knowledge gaps and the technological and organizational needs; and to indicate possible research and technological development activities, as well as organizational and management ones, for a more effective risk reduction, in the context of ongoing and expected environmental, climatic, economic and social changes.

BIGBANG: rain and drought divide Italy
BIGBANG: rain and drought divide Italy
Mar 21, 2025

Focus on the European strategy to make water systems resilient

World Water Day - March 22

The year 2024 was a very rainy year; this was stated by BIGBANG, the national hydrological balance model of ISPRA that provides the quantitative framework on water resources from 1951 onwards, including deficits, excess precipitation and trends in hydrological quantities (precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration), necessary to characterize the current and future situation in the country.

The total annual volume of precipitation was estimated by ISPRA at around 319 billion cubic meters (corresponding to 1,056 mm), more than 10% higher than the annual average for the last thirty-year climatological period 1991-2020, estimated at around 285 billion cubic meters (951 mm). February was the wettest month, with a positive anomaly of +72% compared to the average value for the thirty-year period 1991-2020; on the other hand, November - normally among the wettest months - recorded a strong negative anomaly of -72% compared to the climatological average.

At regional and district level, the situation is very diverse: Northern Italy was affected by precipitation amounts higher than historical averages, which in some cases caused flooding events, such as those in Lombardy in May and in Emilia-Romagna in September and October. Southern Italy and the major islands continued to suffer significant precipitation deficits, which prolonged the drought and the related problems of water severity, even if Sardinia, in October, saw particularly intense rainfall events.

ISPRA researchers selected to draft the 2027 Methodological Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF)
ISPRA researchers selected to draft the 2027 Methodological Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF)
Mar 21, 2025

ISPRA researchers Daniela Romano and Marina Vitullo have been selected to draft the 2027 Methodological Report on Short-Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF). The structure of the report was agreed during the 61st session of the IPCC in Sofia, Bulgaria, in August 2024. The selected lead authors will be responsible for drafting and revising the chapters of the report, taking into account feedback from experts and governments, and will be called to participate in meetings in the period 2025-2027.

ISPRA participation in Science Festival of Rome
ISPRA participation in Science Festival of Rome
Apr 08, 2025 — Apr 13, 2025 Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica

From 8 to 13 April 2025, the Rome Science Festival returns to the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone with its 20th edition.
Bodies is the theme of this edition.

When we talk about bodies, our first thought goes to human bodies, with their features, shapes and functions. Bodies that, through changes and adaptations, are the result of a long biological and cultural evolution. Which in turn has also influenced the perception of the body itself, which changes depending on society and historical periods, and constitutes the foundation of social interactions and cultural dynamics, since it determines what is considered attractive or acceptable

II° National conference Citizen Science
II° National conference Citizen Science
Apr 09, 2025 — Apr 12, 2025 Bologna

Three days of presentations on the new horizons of Citizen Science in Italy, which will culminate in the “Citizen Science Day”, a participatory event open to all citizens.

The conference is made up of initiatives aimed at both specialists in the sector and the general public and will end with a final event, open to all with free admission. During the Citizen Science Day there will be moments of in-depth study, practical exercises, performances, activities to be carried out in the city on the themes connected to participatory science.

Environment and climate
Environment and climate
Apr 17, 2025 03:00 PM — Apr 17, 2025 06:00 PM Rome, Orto Botanico, Largo Cristina di Svezia

Environment and climate is the title of the fourth meeting organized by Roma Ricerca Roma. While land consumption in Rome continues to grow, the European Regulation 2024/1991 on Nature Restoration on the contrary establishes the protection of green “empty” residues, inside the built environment, to respond to increasingly pressing needs for climate adaptation, flood control and heat island reduction.

End of Waste. Construction and demolition: a comparison between protagonists
End of Waste. Construction and demolition: a comparison between protagonists
Apr 03, 2025 — Apr 03, 2025 Terni

The end-of-waste regulation for the cessation of waste qualification is a fundamental element of the National Strategy for the Circular Economy (SEC), essential for the valorisation of waste, while at the same time allowing a reduction in the consumption of natural resources and raw materials.

National conference "Protected Areas & Conservation”
National conference "Protected Areas & Conservation”
Apr 02, 2025 — Apr 04, 2025 Rome, Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano

As indicated by the United Nations in the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), by 2030 we will have to effectively conserve at least 30% of the Planet, both on land and at sea, in addition to restoring degraded habitats and reducing human pressure on nature.

The challenge of creating new ecologically connected protected areas and managing them effectively has therefore begun and can only pass through sharing the most advanced data on the distribution of biodiversity and the most effective ways to conserve and restore it.

In this context, the National Conference “Protected Areas & Conservation” was born, with the aim of creating an exchange of knowledge and best practices on the conservation of biodiversity inside and outside protected areas to contribute at an Italian level to the objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework.

6th RaStEM Workshop: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
6th RaStEM Workshop: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
Apr 03, 2025 09:30 AM — Apr 03, 2025 02:00 PM Firenze, Auditorium di Santa Apollonia

RaStEMStandardized Representation of Mitigation Effects - is a web gis tool developed by ISPRA with the dual purpose of guiding designers to a clear and homogeneous representation of the significant elements of a hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention and supporting them in drafting projects consistent with the criteria established by current legislation (DPCM 27/09/2021) for their financing by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

ISIN, from previous experience to new scenarios to ensure efficiency and security
ISIN, from previous experience to new scenarios to ensure efficiency and security
May 06, 2025 08:45 AM — May 06, 2025 05:00 PM Rome, Centro Congressi Roma Eventi - Piazza di Spagna, via Alibert, 4

The first ISIN conference takes place at a time in history when the debate on the country's energy policies, and in particular on the possible return to nuclear energy production, is very heated: it therefore intends to constitute a moment of discussion and reflection open to all the parties involved.

Planet Sea Film Festival
Planet Sea Film Festival
May 05, 2025 — May 09, 2025 Genova

The new edition of the Pianeta Mare Film Festival in Napoli, 7-11 October, was presented on March 17, with the first city stop at the University of Genova from 5 to 9 May 2025, on the occasion of the European Year 2025 dedicated to digital citizenship education. The Pianeta Mare Film Lab with smartphones and a 5-day artistic residency in Genoa for adult students under 30 and Cinematinée for school children will be realized thanks to and with the Pianeta Mare Darwin Dohrn cultural association and the University of Genoa, with the patronage of ISPRA and with Genova Blue District and Job Centre, Genova Elettra Car Sharing, Posidonia Green Festival, Outdoor Portofino, Alle ortiche APS, Blackwave Surf School.

The contribution of scientific research for the future of our mountains
The contribution of scientific research for the future of our mountains
Mar 27, 2025 10:00 AM — Mar 27, 2025 05:30 PM Rome, Aula Convegni, CNR, P.le Aldo moro 7

The day aims to foster a dialogue between scientific research and mountain users/stakeholders, with other Italian bodies operating in mountain areas and with some representatives of civil society. This dialogue will be structured around the research themes of the Mountain Working Group, regarding atmosphere, climate, biodiversity, cryosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and mountain medicine, also giving space to the project in collaboration between CNR and CAI "I Rifugi Sentinella del Clima e dell’Ambiente"

Italian Municipalities focus on green
Italian Municipalities focus on green
Mar 17, 2025

Published the new ISPRA bookleet on urban nature plans 

An analysis that starts from the cities to reflect on a planning tool that is still not very widespread in Italy: the Municipal Green Plan. The study focuses on 10 Green Plans approved by Italian Municipalities starting from 2020: Torino, Vercelli, Bolzano, Padova, Rovigo, Parma, Bologna, Forlì, Livorno, Avellino, where over 2 million people live, and which intends to stimulate a reflection on this important planning tool to make the territories more inclusive and resilient. The analysis is contained in the ISPRA publication “Urban nature Plans: tools to bring nature back into our lives?" promoted and edited by the Institute with the contributions of ANCI, ICLEI and Paolo Pileri. In this publication, ISPRA offers a new vision of the city that combines natural capital and green and blue heritage with the key themes of urban sustainability, through strategies aimed at combining the increase of public greenery with environmental justice, the reduction of land consumption with adaptation to climate change, the care of greenery with active citizenship and public participation.

The ISPRA booklet also provides useful suggestions for overcoming critical issues, acting as a driving force for promoting new interdisciplinary study and research activities and as an incentive for the Green Plan to become, in the coming years, a consolidated and increasingly widespread planning practice among local administrations in Italy.

Press release (ita)

WATER resource care and universal access
WATER resource care and universal access
Mar 21, 2025 10:00 AM — Mar 21, 2025 01:00 PM Rome, Aula Gruppi parlamentari. Via di Campo Marzio, 78

Towards the Euro-Mediterranean Water Forum in Rome 2026

The international conference "Water: care of the resource and universal access. Towards the Euro-Mediterranean Water Forum in Rome 2026" will take place on March 21st. The meeting is from 10:00 in the Hall of Parliamentary Groups at the Chamber of Deputies.
In 2026, Rome will host the first Euro-Mediterranean Water Forum. The Forum, which until now has involved only the countries of the Mediterranean area, will for the first time also involve all the European and Balkan states.

Restoring nature in an intergenerational perspective: a dialogue between disciplines
Restoring nature in an intergenerational perspective: a dialogue between disciplines
Mar 27, 2025 12:00 PM — Mar 27, 2025 02:00 PM Rome, Università LUMSA, Via Pompeo Magno 28,

On Thursday 27 March, LUMSA University is organizing the seminar "Restoring nature in an intergenerational perspective: a dialogue between disciplines" created for the PRIN Call 2022 PNRR "Restoring Nature for the Children of Italy" - RINASCI.

World Recycling Day
World Recycling Day
Mar 18, 2025 — Mar 18, 2025

March 18 is World Recycling Day, an initiative aimed at raising awareness among citizens about the importance of recycling and the conscious use of resources, promoting practices that reduce energy use, improve the quality of water and the air we breathe and combat climate change.

ISPRA has recently updated the Environmental Indicators Database, in the “Circular Economy” section are collected the indicators useful for monitoring the transition towards a circular economic model in which materials are used, recycled and reused as much as possible.

World Water Day 2025
World Water Day 2025
Mar 22, 2025 — Mar 22, 2025

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22, an annual United Nations observance focused on the importance of fresh water.
With over 2 billion people living without access to clean water, action is essential to address the global water crisis. A key goal of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water, sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030.

"Teveremolluschifantastici...and where to find them" excursion on March 15th at the Nazzano Tevere-Farfa Regional Nature Reserve
"Teveremolluschifantastici...and where to find them" excursion on March 15th at the Nazzano Tevere-Farfa Regional Nature Reserve
Mar 15, 2025 — Mar 15, 2025 Riserva Naturale Regionale Nazzano Tevere-Farfa

On the occasion of the International Day of Action for Rivers, which is celebrated on March 14, ISPRA researchers will be in the Nazzano Tevere-Farfa Regional Nature Reserve as part of the participatory science project "Teveremolluschifantastici...e dove trovarli" to monitor the presence and distribution of native and alien molluscs in the Tiber River.

The spring season of openings at the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano starts again on March 15th
The spring season of openings at the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano starts again on March 15th
Mar 13, 2025

Guided tours will be held on weekends, until Sunday, June 15; visitors will be able to choose between three different tour routes: the historical-artistic one, the archaeological one and the naturalistic one, which - for this season - will concern the Campo di Rota itinerary.
ISPRA conducts, in collaboration with the Estate, research and monitoring activities of the fauna present in the area through the use of the most advanced techniques for studying animal species, from ringing of bird fauna to understand their migratory dynamics, to radiotelemetry to track the movements of animals, from photographic traps to detect the presence of different species remotely, to the use of thermal cameras that detect their presence in the total absence of light.

Course to recognize cetaceans and turtles
Course to recognize cetaceans and turtles
Mar 13, 2025

On the Life Conceptu Maris website there is a simple course available in four languages ​​to identify all the cetaceans and turtles of the Mediterranean Sea.

The course provides simple and interesting interactive videos that explain which species of cetaceans and turtles can be found in our seas, also giving useful indications to recognize them.

ISPRA is a partner of the Project.

Montagu’s harrier in Maremma
Montagu’s harrier in Maremma
Apr 04, 2025 04:00 PM — Apr 04, 2025 06:00 PM Grosseto, Museum of Natural History of Maremma

Results of the first year of the Project by the working group "Montagu’s harrier".
The Museum of Natural History of Maremma is organizing next 4 April a meeting to present the results of the first year of study on Montagu’s harrier (Cyrcus pygargus).
ISPRA researchers will participate at the event.

EXA - Energy Exchange Australia
EXA - Energy Exchange Australia
Mar 11, 2025 — Mar 13, 2025 Perth

From 11 to 13 March EXA - Energy Exchange Australia will be held in Perth and ISPRA Department for the Geological Survey of Italy will participate at the invitation of the Italian Consulate in a series of bilateral meetings with government agencies such as the Geological Survey of Western Australia and companies. The aim is cooperation in the field of mineral research and georesources. The sharing of sustainability protocols in the mining sector, recycling and reuse of critical and strategic raw materials.

Air Quality in 2024
Air Quality in 2024
Mar 11, 2025

Reduction trend for PM2.5 particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide, Ozone in summer and daily PM10 always critical. New limits in the EU Directive

The slow and continuous improvement of air quality in Italy continues in 2024, even if critical issues remain in some areas of the country. Among the positive developments, the levels of fine atmospheric particulate matter PM2.5 are within the norm (25 micrograms per cubic meter is the permitted limit value). The annual levels for PM10 continue to be respected (average concentration of 40 micrograms per cubic meter), while daily values ​​continue to be exceeded. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations are within the limits and continuously decreasing in almost all monitoring stations (98%). The ozone situation, on the other hand, is negative: only 16% of the stations have respected the long-term objective for the protection of human health.

The annual report of the National System for Environmental Protection provides the national picture of air quality in the past year. A summary report prepared every year by SNPA experts (ISPRA and the environmental agencies of the Regions and autonomous Provinces), which summarizes the data collected by over 600 monitoring stations present throughout the country.

Although there has been a general trend towards improvement for some years, the new European Directive recently approved and which will come into force in 2030 provides for much more stringent levels than the current ones even in areas where the legal limits are currently respected. It is necessary to implement short-medium term actions that further reduce emissions.

Prevention of the risk of electrocution of avifauna
Prevention of the risk of electrocution of avifauna
Mar 26, 2025 09:30 AM — Mar 26, 2025 04:00 PM Rome, Auditorium Via Boccherini 15

The event, organized within the LIFE MILVUS project, analyzes the impact that electrocution determines on the conservation of threatened species, will present virtuous experiences developed in Italy and other European countries to mitigate the phenomenon and will be an opportunity to discuss possible measures to be adopted to intensify the efforts of knowledge and prevention in Italy.

A new alien in the Italian seas
A new alien in the Italian seas
Mar 07, 2025

Red Sea tropical mullet reported by fishermen in Lampedusa

Once again, fishermen prove themselves to be sentinels of the sea by reporting a new alien fish: a mullet endemic to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Parupeneus forsskali. Its presence in the Mediterranean was first confirmed in 2012 in Lebanon and the species then expanded in the Levant Basin until reaching Tunisia in 2016.

The specimen caught on the island of Lampedusa represents the first discovery of the species in Italian seas. The Red Sea red mullet is characterized by a dark longitudinal band on the upper part of the body and a dark spot near the tail: the fishermen of Lampedusa, recognizing its characteristics, immediately identified the specimen among the native red mullets they had caught and proceeded to freeze it to deliver it to the researchers of ISPRA in Palermo, with whom a fruitful collaboration relationship has been established for decades.

The discovery of the species in Lampedusa is further evidence of the spread of alien species in our seas. ISPRA researchers renew the invitation to report captures and observations of unusual organisms to the institutional email and when is possibile to preserve the specimens.

Brochure on alien species

Press release (ita)

The ISPRA podcast 'Incontri sulla V.I.A' wins the ANEV journalism award "Giuseppe Pasqualicchio Wind Energy"
The ISPRA podcast 'Incontri sulla V.I.A' wins the ANEV journalism award "Giuseppe Pasqualicchio Wind Energy"
Mar 06, 2025 — Mar 06, 2025 Quartiere Fieristico of Rimini

The episode "Wind power plants in environmental impact assessment" of the ISPRA Podcast "Incontri sulla V.I.A." was awarded today in Rimini during the Key Energy event. ISPRA won the award in the Radio and Podcast category.
The recognition was awarded for the scientific, cultural and social value in communicating wind energy, highlighting the environmental value of producing electricity from renewable sources, in terms of energy saving, sustainability and the fight against climate change. The award is dedicated to Giuseppe Pasqualicchio, a far-sighted entrepreneur and pioneer of wind power.

Peace with Nature: Research, Organizations and Institutions together
Peace with Nature: Research, Organizations and Institutions together
Mar 18, 2025 09:00 AM — Mar 18, 2025 01:00 PM Rome, Orto Botanico

Thanks to its strategic position in the Mediterranean, its varied geomorphology and the extraordinary diversity of habitats, Italy is the European country with the greatest variety of living species and the highest rate of endemic species.

Furthermore, Italy is one of the few nations in the world to have established the defense of biodiversity as a fundamental principle in its Constitution. In February 2022, in fact, the Constitutional Law of 11 February 2022, no. 1 was approved by Parliament, which recognizes an express importance to the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems in the part dedicated to Fundamental Principles.

The contemporary challenges presented by the biodiversity crisis, which include efforts to address the direct factors that are at the root of the crisis itself, such as the destruction and degradation of habitats, the excessive extraction of biological resources, pollution, invasive alien species and climate change, transcend national borders.