Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Forest fires in 2023: areas affected by fires decreasing in the north and centre, increasing in the southern regions and islands

Burned more than 36% surfaces compared to last year

During 2023, Italy was hit by forest fires covering a total area of ​​1073 Km2

The fires that occurred in Italy in 2023 were significant both for the overall extension of the areas affected (only smaller than 2021 in the last six years) and because they systematically affected only some provinces. The numbers are increasing compared to 2022, especially for total burned areas (+36%), and to a lesser extent for forestry areas alone (burned +6%).

This is what emerges from ISPRA activities in the field of observations and monitoring of the impacts of medium and large fires on ecosystems. The aim is to provide detailed information every year to support policies for the restoration and conservation of terrestrial ecosystems at a national and local scale. The data relating to the fires are provided by the European Forest Fires Information System of the European Copernicus Emergency program, and processed by ISPRA with artificial intelligence applications for the recognition of the ecosystems involved in the fires.

superficie forestale percorsa da incendi - anno 2023