ISPRA in RemTech Expo 2024
From 18 to 20 September the XVIII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held in Ferrara, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of restoration, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. This year too ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.
There are ten segments that make up the event: REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE remediation of contaminated sites, COAST coastal protection, ports, sustainability, ESONDA hydrogeological instability, floods, landslides, CLIMETECH climate change, mitigation, adaptation, GEOSISM seismic risk, prevention, reconstruction , INERTIA sustainable works materials, circular economy, RIGENERACITY urban regeneration, CHEMTECH innovative and sustainable chemical industry and FIRE prevention-innovation-research, fire prevention and safety of the Italian Cultural Heritage - and a special HUTTE segment dedicated to the themes of sustainability and integral well-being.
- ISPRA in RemTech Expo 2024
- 2024-09-18T00:00:00+02:00
- 2024-09-20T23:59:59+02:00
- From 18 to 20 September the XVIII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held in Ferrara, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of restoration, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. This year too ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings. There are ten segments that make up the event: REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE remediation of contaminated sites, COAST coastal protection, ports, sustainability, ESONDA hydrogeological instability, floods, landslides, CLIMETECH climate change, mitigation, adaptation, GEOSISM seismic risk, prevention, reconstruction , INERTIA sustainable works materials, circular economy, RIGENERACITY urban regeneration, CHEMTECH innovative and sustainable chemical industry and FIRE prevention-innovation-research, fire prevention and safety of the Italian Cultural Heritage - and a special HUTTE segment dedicated to the themes of sustainability and integral well-being. Photo gallery
- What evidence
- When Sep 18, 2024 to Sep 20, 2024 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Ferrara
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ISPRA participates in the following meetings:
18 September
- ISPRA Event "The New Hydrogeological Map of Italy at Scale 1:500,000: Comparison with the Territory"
- Regeneration of abandoned industrial areas
- Design and Management of Infrastructure in Areas Exposed to Natural Risks"
- "Climate, Changes, Forecasts, Climate Services"
- Excavated earth and rocks: the new regulatory framework of reference
19 September
- SNPA in the environmental assessment of works downstream of the EIA authorization processes
- LIFE MY SOIL. International Project Conference
- Circular economy and construction sites: End of Waste, management experiences and regulatory innovations.
- National Conference on Hydrogeological Risk: Activities of Government,
- Districts and Commissioners for the Prevention and Mitigation of Risks
- Applications of the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) for the evaluation of ground movements and structures and infrastructures
20 September
- Article 242b and guidelines on carryover materials: from words to deeds
- Green Homes Directive. Report green circle adiconsum
- National Conference on the Reconstruction Code
- Environmental Communication: Risk Awareness and Community Resiliencei
- Novità normative e giurisprudenza recente in materia di bonifiche
- Stati generali del monitoraggio della terra dallo spazio
- BAT in the wastewater treatment
- Risk assessment and F&T models
- Advances in Ecotoxicology and Ecosystem evaluation