ISPRA participates in the CNR's PER24 oceanographic campaign
In the second half of October ISPRA will participate in the PER24 oceanographic campaign with the Gaia Blu research vessel in the southern Adriatic Sea.
The campaign, aimed at carrying out scientific activities to evaluate the changes induced by human activity on marine ecosystems, is part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). PER24 is multidisciplinary and involves various CNR institutes, the University of Marche and other scientific institutes. Its aim is to collect data that can improve the understanding of Good Environmental Status (GES) indicators in biotic and abiotic matrices, and of the processes that modify these GES, following the MSFD guidelines. This profound knowledge will help policy-makers, stakeholders and other operators in the public and private sector to develop intervention methods for improving the environmental state of marine ecosystems.
The activities carried out by ISPRA staff will be aimed at applying the isotopic approach to trace the sources of pollution deriving from agricultural, industrial and urban activities, offering fundamental knowledge for the management of anthropic pressures that impact the marine ecosystem. In the context of the Adriatic, a semi-enclosed sea with high anthropic pressure, this activity will provide a further step towards understanding the mechanisms affecting the carbon and nutrient cycle in relation to ongoing climate changes. Data and results of the studies will be released in Open Science according to the FAIR principles.