Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


"Report the landslide" and the IdroGEO national platform for knowledge of the territory

The event, organized by ANCI, the Liguria Region and ISPRA, is an opportunity to discuss with the Municipalities on the prevention of hydrogeological risk. Knowledge and updating of information on landslides are fundamental to effective risk prevention and management policies. The use of ISPRA operational tools will be explored in depth to support risk mitigation policies, territorial planning, planning of soil protection interventions and infrastructure design, with the aim of increasing community resilience and awareness. of citizens on local risks.

  • "Report the landslide" and the IdroGEO national platform for knowledge of the territory
  • 2024-12-11T09:30:00+01:00
  • 2024-12-11T16:00:00+01:00
  • The event, organized by ANCI, the Liguria Region and ISPRA, is an opportunity to discuss with the Municipalities on the prevention of hydrogeological risk. Knowledge and updating of information on landslides are fundamental to effective risk prevention and management policies. The use of ISPRA operational tools will be explored in depth to support risk mitigation policies, territorial planning, planning of soil protection interventions and infrastructure design, with the aim of increasing community resilience and awareness. of citizens on local risks.
  • What evidence
  • When Dec 11, 2024 from 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
  • Where Genova, Palazzo Ducale, Sala “Enrico Piccardo”, Piazza Matteotti 9 and Streaming live
  • Add event to calendar iCal

The IdroGEO national platform is an open data, open source and multilingual web platform, developed by ISPRA, which allows you to view, query, download and share maps and data of the Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy, of the national landslide hazard mosaics and floods and hydrogeological risk indicators. IdroGEO is a tool to support risk mitigation policies, territorial planning, the planning of soil protection interventions and the preliminary design of infrastructure networks. The platform also aims to increase the resilience of communities, promoting greater citizen awareness of the risks affecting their territory. The "Report landslide" functionality allows local administrations and professionals to report new landslides easily, even via smartphone, thus updating the national inventory of landslide phenomena managed by ISPRA and the Region
