Restoration of the deltaic and marine habitat, combating the proliferation of the blue crab, encouraging its use and consumption
The invasion of the blue crab in the Po Delta has upset the entire venericulture sector in the Upper Adriatic. The predator Callinectes sapidus has upset entire communities of women and men who lived directly or indirectly on clams and who, overnight, found themselves disarmed and unprepared to face an arduous, complicated and difficult challenge. Despite the honorable commitment of all institutions, trade associations, consortia, cooperatives and businesses, today there is a collective awareness that it is necessary to react promptly with dedication, commitment and sacrifices in order to pursue precise operational strategies, well aware of the need to coexist with this crustacean.
- Restoration of the deltaic and marine habitat, combating the proliferation of the blue crab, encouraging its use and consumption
- 2024-11-06T10:00:00+01:00
- 2024-11-06T13:00:00+01:00
- The invasion of the blue crab in the Po Delta has upset the entire venericulture sector in the Upper Adriatic. The predator Callinectes sapidus has upset entire communities of women and men who lived directly or indirectly on clams and who, overnight, found themselves disarmed and unprepared to face an arduous, complicated and difficult challenge. Despite the honorable commitment of all institutions, trade associations, consortia, cooperatives and businesses, today there is a collective awareness that it is necessary to react promptly with dedication, commitment and sacrifices in order to pursue precise operational strategies, well aware of the need to coexist with this crustacean.
- When Nov 06, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
- Where Ecomondo, Rimini
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The purpose of the workshop is precisely to share, starting from the experiences gained and consolidated, ideas, ideas and proposals to guide the fishing communities of the Northern Adriatic. Concrete strategies for a recovery based on economic, social and environmental sustainability, activating participatory processes based on steering strategies, including those that have so far been unexplored or disregarded.
Maria Siclari, ISPRA DG will join the conference