Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



The Barcelona Convention: ISPRA at the practical training course for the conservation of cartilaginous fish of the Adriatic Sea and beyond
The Barcelona Convention: ISPRA at the practical training course for the conservation of cartilaginous fish of the Adriatic Sea and beyond
Jan 21, 2025 — Jan 23, 2025 Vlore (Albania)

On January 21-23, the practical course on monitoring, identification and advanced research techniques for the conservation of cartilaginous fish in the Adriatic Sea was held in Vlore (Albania). Organized thanks to the joint efforts of UNEP-MAP (Barcelona Convention) and Sharklab ADRIA, and financed by MASE. Umberto Scacco and Massimo Dalù from ISPRA were present at the course under the expert guidance of Dr. Andrej Gajić from Sharklab ADRIA, and the supervision of the head of the SPA/RAC - Barcellona Convention, Lobna Ben Nakhla. During the course, samples of cartilaginous fish species of conservation interest from a marine area particularly rich in biodiversity in the waters of Vlora were analyzed.

The new CARG Geological Sheets: Arezzo, Bibbiena, Castel del Piano, Poggibonsi
The new CARG Geological Sheets: Arezzo, Bibbiena, Castel del Piano, Poggibonsi
Feb 12, 2025 10:00 AM — Feb 12, 2025 04:30 PM

On 12 February, the Tuscany Region and the ISPRA Geological Service are organizing the conference "The new CARG Geological Sheets: Arezzo, Bibbiena, Castel del Piano, Poggibonsi" in Florence.
The conference is organized in collaboration with the Universities of Tuscany and the CNR and is APC accredited for geologists registered with the Order of Geologists of Tuscany.

Bees & Vespa orientalis. A challenge for the ecosystem
Bees & Vespa orientalis. A challenge for the ecosystem
Jan 28, 2025 10:00 AM — Jan 28, 2025 12:30 PM

Understand and act to save bees

The conference "Api & Vespa orientalis. A challenge for the ecosystem" will be held on Tuesday 28 January in Rome. Experts in the sector will address the topic to help people understand the phenomenon and take action to protect bees.
In the meeting will participate an ISPRA researcher who will talk about the importance of correct communication of risks to the general public

Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Jan 24, 2025

CAMS National Collaboration Program Italy - Second Phase
The second phase of the CAMS Italia National Collaboration Program represents an important recognition of the significant results obtained in the first phase of activity in the field of atmospheric monitoring in Italy, promoting joint development actions between different users and researchers based, also promoting training activities and specific information.

Days with frost - ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database
Days with frost - ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database
Jan 23, 2025

ISPRA data confirm a decrease in the number of days with frost in our country.
In 2023 in Italy there were approximately 10 days less than the average for the thirty-year period 1991-2021
The Days with frost indicator from the ISPRA Environmental Indicators Database calculates the number of days in which the minimum air temperature drops below 0°C, a key parameter for monitoring the evolution of the climate and its effects.
Understanding these phenomena is essential to develop effective climate change adaptation strategies and respond to the challenges of global warming.

The Blue Crab containment plan presented to MASAF in the presence of ministers Lollobrigida and Pichetto Fratin
The Blue Crab containment plan presented to MASAF in the presence of ministers Lollobrigida and Pichetto Fratin
Jan 22, 2025 — Jan 22, 2025

On 22 January at the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, the extraordinary commissioner for the Blue Crab, Pref. Enrico Caterino, accompanied by the Director of the Department for monitoring and protection of the environment for the conservation of biodiversity of ISPRA, Luigi Ricci , illustrated the contents of the "Intervention plan to contain and combat the phenomenon of the spread and proliferation of the blue crab species".

The result of joint work carried out with the technical support of ISPRA and with collaboration the National Research Council, CREA, Port Authorities, Ministries and territorial bodies of the Regions most affected by the emergency. The plan, with a total financing of 10 million euros - allocated in the Legislative Decree. Agriculture - for the two-year period 2025-2026, aims to protect the biodiversity of the affected habitats, contain and combat the proliferation of the invasive species, prevent further economic damage and promote the resumption of farming and fishing activities.

Measuring air quality: all the SNPA mobile laboratories gathered in Terni
Measuring air quality: all the SNPA mobile laboratories gathered in Terni
Jan 22, 2025

Ensure the quality of the measurements, the homogeneity of the procedures and the data produced. This is the objective of the technical comparison, organized by ISPRA in collaboration with Arpa Umbria, which starts in Terni on 23 January at the headquarters of the regional Agency. For two weeks the 21 mobile laboratories of the national SNPA system dedicated to the measurement of fine particles, ozone, nitrogen oxides and dioxides, benzene, metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) will be brought together.
ISPRA, as a National Reference Laboratory (pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of the Environment n° 67 of 02/04/2022), has the task of organizing and implementing reliability programs to which the institutions that manage the monitoring networks must participate pursuant to Annex I of Legislative Decree 155/2010. The objective of the intercomparison circuit - this is the technical term - is to achieve a harmonized improvement in the performance of air quality monitoring networks at a national level, in compliance with art. 17 and Annex I of Legislative Decree 155/2010 and subsequent amendments. and allow participants to improve the reliability of the measurement data they produce, comparing with the performances provided by the other participants and by the National Reference Laboratory, as well as to monitor the QA/QC procedures, defined by the Ministerial Decree 30/3/2017 to ensure the quality of the measurement results, and, if the circuit highlights instrumental or procedural deficiencies, to adopt the necessary corrective actions.

4th RaStEM Workshop: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
4th RaStEM Workshop: a support tool for the design of hydrogeological risk mitigation interventions
Feb 12, 2025 09:30 AM — Feb 12, 2025 01:30 PM Trieste, MIB Trieste School of Management, L.go Caduti di Nassiria 1

RaStEM - Standardized Representation of Mitigation Effects - is a web gis tool developed by ISPRA with the dual purpose of guiding designers to a clear and homogeneous representation of the significant elements of a hydrogeological risk mitigation intervention and supporting them in the drafting of projects consistent with the criteria established by current legislation (DPCM 09/27/2021) for their financing by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

World Wetlands Day 2025
World Wetlands Day 2025
Feb 02, 2025 — Feb 02, 2025

The World Wetlands Day on February 2, celebrates the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance in 1971, and aims to raise awareness around the world of the great importance of wetlands for people and for our planet.
The Ramsar Convention defines wetlands as “marshes, bogs or reservoirs, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with stagnant or flowing water, fresh, brackish or salt, including expanses of marine water whose depth, during low tide, does not exceed six metres". The Convention is the only international treaty on the environment that deals with these particular ecosystems which, in addition to hosting and conserving a rich biological diversity of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates, guarantee huge resources of water and food and play a fundamental role in mitigating climate change. The integrity of these environments is threatened by human activities.

Operation Ghostnets: 30 "ghost nets" recovered between Augusta and Syracuse
Operation Ghostnets: 30 "ghost nets" recovered between Augusta and Syracuse
Jan 20, 2025

ISPRA saves flora and fauna

60,000 square meters of seabed inspected, hundreds finally freed from nets up to 260 meters long which are once again breathing and repopulating; free protected species that were trapped
As many as 60,000 square meters of seabed inspected, over 30 ghost nets up to 260 meters long (approximately equal to a 100-storey skyscraper) recovered at a depth of 40-60 meters and hundreds of square meters of seabed finally freed: it is the result of the “Ghostnets” operation conducted by ISPRA along the Sicilian coast, between Augusta and Syracuse. The intervention, part of the project MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) financed by the Pnrr, was carried out with the support of the RTC Ghostnets (CASTALIA, CONISMA and MAREVIVO) and allowed the recovery of various types of nets: trawl, gillnet, tangle of ropes, lines and pots and to free trapped protected species. “With this operation, hundreds of square meters of valuable habitats will gradually be able to “breathe” again and encourage recolonization by the surrounding marine species.

Environment and health: Research projects for sustainable development
Environment and health: Research projects for sustainable development
Jan 24, 2025 10:15 AM — Jan 24, 2025 04:30 PM Pescara

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of ARTA Abruzzo, a study conference dedicated to the topic of environment and health will be held on Friday 24 January in Pescara, which will offer a space for discussion, open to all citizens, on ongoing initiatives and research to ensure a sustainable future, with particular attention to environmental protection and community well-being.

New update of the ISPRA indicators database
New update of the ISPRA indicators database
Jan 17, 2025

More than 200 indicators from the ISPRA environmental indicators database have been updated, the objective is to promote greater environmental awareness and involve the scientific community, in particular that of environmental statistics and information, in the crucial environmental issues of our time.

The database of environmental indicators, organized into 39 environmental themes, with over 300 indicators (ISPRA core set), is the most complete collection of statistical data and information on the state of the environment in Italy created and managed by the Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research (ISPRA) in collaboration with regional agencies and autonomous provinces within the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA).

The indicators, classified under Environmental Themes, are structured in sheets containing descriptive information (metadata) such as, for example, the objectives to be achieved, the assessment of the state, the trend and data represented with graphs, tables and maps.

Meeting of the Intermunicipal Coordination on forest fires
Meeting of the Intermunicipal Coordination on forest fires
Jan 18, 2025 09:30 AM — Jan 18, 2025 12:00 PM Fondi (LT)

Next January 18th, in Fondi, the public meeting of the Intermunicipal Coordination on forest fires. An Intermunicipal Coordination has been established for months and meets regularly to promote a real commitment by all local communities against the devastating phenomenon of forest fires.

Presentation of the results of the participatory monitoring of the Aniene River
Presentation of the results of the participatory monitoring of the Aniene River
Jan 17, 2025 04:00 PM — Jan 17, 2025 06:00 PM Rome, Palazzo Valentini, Aula David Sassoli

During the meeting, the results of the monitoring activities which involved citizens, students and experts will be illustrated, collecting data on the ecological and chemical state of the waters of the Aniene river.

Ispra will participate with a report on #teveremolluschifantastici…e dove trovarli, the project the participatory science project for water quality and the conservation of river biodiversity; the project included in the portal of the National Biodiversity Network, maps the presence and distribution of freshwater molluscs, both native and non-native, within the Tevere river basin.

The international census of water birds begins for the 35th consecutive year
The international census of water birds begins for the 35th consecutive year
Jan 13, 2025

Coordinated for Italy by ISPRA, the Wetlands International project promotes the counting of water birds around mid-January across the entire European territory

These days, censuses of wintering waterbirds are starting in more than 2000 Italian wetlands as part of the International Waterbird Census (IWC) project. The project is coordinated by ISPRA, which makes use of a network of over 500 expert detectors and at least triple the number of collaborators, distributed throughout the country. Now in their 35th year of continuous activity across the entire national territory, the IWC censuses represent one of the longest-running coordinated Italian study projects, certainly the first in terms of capillarity and regularity of coverage at a geographical level.

Water birds are a fundamental component of wetlands. Diversity and number of individuals provide crucial information on the health status and environmental quality of frequented sites, but also opportunities to enhance wetlands for recreational purposes in a sustainable way. The protection, improvement and where possible the restoration of Italian wetlands have implications that go well beyond the protection of the species they host, including for example the elimination of carbon from the atmosphere, the protection from extreme meteorological events, the mitigation of effects of climate change.

Waterbirds represent a shared wealth among peoples: their long and complex migrations unite wetlands and people, regardless of cultural and political borders.

Meetings on the E.I.A. - Episode n.9
Meetings on the E.I.A. - Episode n.9
Jan 08, 2025

Environmental Impact Assessment procedures

Meeting with Monica Pasca of the V.I.A. Commission National.
The E.I.A. it is not just a procedural obligation. With this podcast we tried to communicate and spread the importance of EIA. as a tool of sustainability and transparency, multidisciplinary and integrated, a meeting between the project and its environment. We talk about analysis of project alternatives and attention to all environmental factors and also other analysis procedures such as scoping, verification of eligibility or compliance

Public consultation for new SIC/ZPS sites beyond territorial waters
Public consultation for new SIC/ZPS sites beyond territorial waters
Jan 08, 2025

The public consultation for new sites beyond territorial waters is open until 31 January 2025.

In order to complete the network of Natura 2000 sites beyond the limit of territorial waters in implementation of what is required by the Habitats and Birds Directives, a technical-scientific evaluation of the areas meeting the established criteria necessary for completion was carried out with the support of ISPRA of the network of Natura 2000 sites.

Documentary "Cities Under Pressure”
Documentary "Cities Under Pressure”
Dec 31, 2024

The documentary, created thanks to the collaboration between geologists, urban planners and researchers, emphasizes the importance of understanding the natural forces that support our urban centers, or what we can define as a real primary infrastructure for cities. Knowledge of the characteristics of what lies beneath our metropolises is crucial for the resilience and adaptation of the cities of the future, in an era marked by increasingly evident environmental changes.

Online Reticula n.37/2024 - Monographic number
Online Reticula n.37/2024 - Monographic number
Dec 30, 2024

Sustainable tourism in Protected areas: the complex balance between local development needs and biodiversity conservation

Protected areas are a key component of any global conservation strategy. Tourism in nature offers a unique opportunity to connect visitors with the values of protected areas through first-hand knowledge, making it a potentially positive factor for conservation

Biodiversity loss: change approach, or estimated costs will be between 10 and 25 trillion dollars per year
Biodiversity loss: change approach, or estimated costs will be between 10 and 25 trillion dollars per year
Dec 24, 2024

Two IPBES Reports approved by 196 United Nations countries

Loss of biodiversity and water availability, food insecurity, health risks and climate change? How to deal with them? What decisions to make? If we pursue traditional approaches, it would generate estimated costs.

This is what emerges from the two evaluation reports of IPBES, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, approved on 16 December by scientists, experts and representatives of the governments of 196 United Nations countries. The platform, founded in 2012, which has the task of evaluating the state of biodiversity and eco-system services, with the aim of promoting the interface between science and politics. Italy joined the intergovernmental platform in January 2020 and is also participating in the work through the technical support of ISPRA.

Online Guidelines for the conservation of Mediterranean trout and its habitat in protected areas and Natura 2000 sites
Online Guidelines for the conservation of Mediterranean trout and its habitat in protected areas and Natura 2000 sites
Dec 23, 2024

The guidelines are defined in the framework of the project LIFE STREAMS (LIFE18 NAT/IT/000931) "Salmo ceTtii REcovery Actions in Mediterranean Streams" and addressed to the management authorities of protected areas, Natura 2000 sites, the Regions and Hydrographic District Authorities and also contain indications for the integration of planning and management tools provided by the Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive.

Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2023
Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2023
Dec 23, 2024

Published the report which reports data from the monitoring activities of Ostreopsis ovata blooms and other toxic benthic dinoflagellates carried out in the 2023 season along the Italian coasts.

In particular, the results and methodologies of sampling and analysis, surveillance, information, communication and management in case of toxic blooms are illustrated, in order to evaluate both the trend of the phenomenon and the effectiveness of the activities implemented to detect and control the distribution, abundances and spatio-temporal dynamics of Ostreopsis ovata and associated blooms.

The reports provided by 15 coastal ARPAs were used to prepare this report.

Indoor air quality: minimization of pollutants with particular attention to radon gas
Indoor air quality: minimization of pollutants with particular attention to radon gas
Dec 20, 2024

The booklet defines technical and behavioral indications for the management of indoor air quality pollutants. in residential environments and in particular for the reduction of radon levels, in accordance with the National Radon Action Plan (PNAR)

These environments include homes, offices, community, recreational and social facilities in which the population spends much of its time and which can therefore be more exposed to pollutants which, remaining within closed spaces, are able to reach high concentrations.

Municipal green plans: tools to bring nature back into our lives
Municipal green plans: tools to bring nature back into our lives
Dec 19, 2024

The new ISPRA publication starts from the cities to reflect on a planning tool that is still not widespread in Italy - the Municipal Green Plan - with the aim of understanding its contents, strategies and transformative potential for healthier, more inclusive and resilient territories. Turin, Vercelli, Bolzano, Padua, Rovigo, Parma, Bologna, Forlì, Livorno, Avellino: these are the 10 green plans analysed, which tell us about a new vision of the city.

Technical visit of the Korea Environment Corporation to ISPRA
Technical visit of the Korea Environment Corporation to ISPRA
Dec 17, 2024 — Dec 17, 2024 Rome, ISPRA headquarters

On 17 December 2024, a technical visit took place at the ISPRA headquarters by a delegation from the Korea Environment Corporation (South Korea), composed of the Director of the Soil and Groundwater Department and officials from his staff. The delegation met the Director of the Geological Survey of Italy, Dr. Marco Amanti, and other ISPRA experts for a discussion on the management of contaminated sites.

The Korea Environment Corporation is an organization that operates under the supervision of the Korean Ministry of the Environment, with the mandate to promote environmental health and develop projects to combat pollution and climate change. Every year, the organization analyzes the policies adopted at an international level regarding the management of contaminated sites; for 2024, Italy has been identified as the subject of in-depth analysis.

Dec 17, 2024

ISPRA coordinates the project LIFE ABILAS to fostering the settlement of Bonelli’s eagle population in Sardinia, that became extinct between the 1980s and 1990s, probably because of the robbery of eggs/chicks and direct persecution, together with the impact of power lines. 

General States of Italian Protected Areas
General States of Italian Protected Areas
Dec 17, 2024 — Dec 18, 2024 Rome, National Library

Ten years after the last opportunity for general discussion, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, in collaboration with Federparchi-Europarc Italia, is organizing a two-day event which will see the presence of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto, and to the Undersecretary Claudio Barbaro, delegate for protected areas, also the Ministers Nello Musumeci, Alessandro Giuli and Daniela Santanchè, the Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Patrizio La Pietra, the representatives of the 79 environmental organizations invited to the discussion, the presidents of the park authorities and marine protected areas, representatives of local authorities, of the world of research and universities, of the bodies soldiers engaged in protecting the environment, and a discussion between representatives of all political parties, government and opposition.

Blue Mission Project - Our sea our health
Blue Mission Project - Our sea our health
Dec 16, 2024

Implemented by ISPRA, in collaboration with APRE, in the context of the SLEs (STE(A)M Learning Ecologies) project, Blue Mission is a Living Lab path, at the I.C. school. Guicciardini of Rome, on the issues of sustainability of human activities in marine-coastal environments. The issues of sustainable aquaculture, marine pollution from plastic waste and the ecological beach model are explored in depth in an interactive and experiential manner and contextualised in a One Health perspective.

One Health represents an integrated approach that recognizes the interdependence between human, animal and environmental health and primarily aims to improve global health, prevent disease and promote collective well-being, contributing to sustainable development.

IdroGEO: with "Report the landslide" an acceleration of information on the risk of collapse
IdroGEO: with "Report the landslide" an acceleration of information on the risk of collapse
Dec 11, 2024

Report the landslide” aims to make communications between Municipalities and Regions easier and faster, to immediately have the complete picture of landslide events in a given area available. The new functionality of the national IdroGEO platform, presented on 11 December by ISPRA in Genoa, on the occasion of the meeting organized with ANCI and the Liguria Region, allows local administrations and professionals to report to the regional technical structures, even with a simple smartphone , the new landslides that occurred in the area.

Air quality in Italy: new forecasting and monitoring tools thanks to the Copernicus programme
Air quality in Italy: new forecasting and monitoring tools thanks to the Copernicus programme
Dec 11, 2024

Estimate the quantity of Saharan dust in the atmosphere in a timely and homogeneous manner throughout the national territory, predict the presence of pollutants in the air through stronger collaboration between the institutional bodies that manage the forecasting tools, detect with greater precision the presence of pollens and in particular those of the allergenic species most widespread in the Mediterranean areas.