Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Inventory of wetlands

ISPRA participates in the project promoted by MedWet, aimed at creating an inventory of wetlands and the definition of a strategy for their protection in the Mediterranean level. Starting from the idea to integrate knowledge from different administrative sectors and research, in May 2009 was established a Technical Table coordinated by ISPRA in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the ARPA Toscana ( member of the "scientifical and Technical Team" MedWet), aimed at sharing of data and the definition of useful information related to biodiversity conservation wetlands. The technical table was composed by 60 institutions and organizations (CFS Regions, Provinces, Basin Authority, ARPA / APPA, research institutes, NGOs, park authorities, Federparchi, Lazio Regional Parks Agency), as well as experts, researchers and academics. On the basis of the first results emerged by the activity of the Technical Tables land contributions from various researchers and technicians who participated (contained in the Technical Report n.153/2011 ISPRA), have been defined directions for biodiversity protection areas wet, in line with the National Strategy on Biodiversity.


The information contained in the Report no. 153/11 concern in the planning of measures for the conservation, management and monitoring of biodiversity present in wetlands, with the primary objective of recovering the ecological integrity of rivers, through the implementation of specific conservation planning tools (management plans for Natura 2000 sites, site-specific conservation plans and planning of protected areas), together with the Management Plans of Hydrographic District.
Essential element for the integration of planning tools, management and monitoring is the exchange of know-how and basic data by the various administrations dealing with areas "Biodiversity" and "Water". ISPRA, to achieve this goal, has developed a website which can be downloaded from the mentioned documents and data collected for the inventory, distribution, status, values and threats of aquatic ecosystems ( )

Further information :


Web site MedWet