Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Harmonization of Urban noise reduction Strategies for Homogeneousaction plans






ISPRA partecipate, as associated beneficiary, to the project HUSH - Harmonization of Urban noise reduction Strategies for Homogeneous action plans, funded by the European Union under the LIFE +2008 Environment Policy and Governance Program. The project was developed by the Municipality of Florence, coordinator of the project, along with Vie En.Ro.Se. Engineering, University of Florence, ISPRA and ARPAT, with international support of the Eurocities network.
The general objective of the project is to contribute to the harmonization of the noise management national rules with the European ones, contained in the European Directive 49/2002 on the assessment and management of environmental noise, starting from the realization of studies and interventions in the city of Florence, considered as a pilot case.
Specific objectives of the project are:

  • highlighting unresolved conflicts between the current standards at regional, national and European level and defining common methods for designing specific and strategic solutions;
  • defining a new development system (procedures and databases) for action planning by experimenting with pilot cases;
  • outlining guidelines for building a system for the implementation of the action plans to support the review of all regional, national and European legislation.