Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


CARG Project - Geologic and geothematic cartography


At the end of the 1980s, the project for the develop of national geological cartography at the 1:50,000 scale began, initially as part of the annual program of urgent environmental protection interventions (L.67/88), then in the three-year planning for the protection of the environment (L. 305/89), thanks to the allocation of dedicated resources which thus gave rise to the CARG Project (Geological CARtography). The Project is carried out in collaboration with the Regions and autonomous Provinces, with the CNR and the Universities and is coordinated by the Geological Survey of Italy as the State cartographic body (L. 68/60).

The CARG Project involves the develop and computerization of the 636 geological and geothematic sheets at the 1:50,000 scale which make up the puzzle of 50,000 coverage of the entire national territory.

The funding received can be divided into two different time phases. The first began at the end of the eighties (1988-2004) in which more than 81 million euros were allocated by the State and around 30 million by the Regions. The second, so-called new phase, began with the approval of Budget Law 160/2019 which provided for the allocation of 15 million euros for the three-year period 2020-2022 and with the approval of Budget Law 178/2020 and the related allocation of a further 10 million euros for the years 2021-2022. These resources will allow the creation of new sheets compared to those already created in previous years, going from a coverage of the territory equal to 44% to a coverage of 50%.

The excellence of the CARG Project is the Database, from which it is possible to consult and process information on the elements that make up the geological and geothematic map, with greater detail for the use of the mapped data in multiple applications. Specifically, the Data Base contains cognitive tools, such as geological data, essential for correct planning and management of the territory and, more specifically, for the prevention, reduction and mitigation of hydrogeological risk.

This section contains all the information relating to the CARG Project.

The geological sheets are on sale at ISPRA and can be consulted at the ISPRA Library.

Documents and useful links