Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


A FUTURE FOR THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA FISHERIES. Results and proposals from the participatory research project GAP2 involving researchers and fishermen of Chioggia

The book shows results and proposals from the EU international project GAP2 (“Bridging the gap between scientists, stakeholders and policy-makers”) in the context of the case study focussed on the Northern Adriatic Sea demersal fisheries. The ecological, historical and management contexts are introduced, along with reports on the participatory research activities enforced between scientists and fishermen in Chioggia and the description of the main scientific outcomes achieved by field sampling (onboard observations, self-sampling through e-logbooks, trawl-surveys). Based on all gained evidences, the book presents a series of joint management proposals aiming to reduce fishing effort and to extend the duration of the summer fishing closure, along with the “Chart of values for responsible fisheries in the Adriatic Sea”.

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Marine Research