Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Best practices for safe diving activities of Ispra and Environmental Agencies

Document aimed at protecting health and safety of operators of ISPRA and of Environmental Agencies engaged in diving activities for the purpose of technical- scientific study and monitoring of marine aquatic environments.


Validated as "good practice" by the Permanent Advisory Commission for Safety and Health at Work pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 8, letter d) of Legislative Decree no. 81/08, this text helps to fill a regulatory gap evident in the field of safety at work related to scientific diving activities. Furthermore it provides an operational tool which is immediately applicable by insiders (RSPP / ASPP ), as well as information management for employers and managers, the agency system and, more generally, Universities and Research Centers, which perform similar activities.


This document was produced by the Interagency Health and Safety at Work with the establishment of a special working group, coordinated by ARPA Liguria and ISPRA and composed by RSPP, ASPP, managers and technicians, environmental agencies of Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Marche, Sicily, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, subsequently extended to Contarp POS, AIOSS, ISSD, CIR, AIFOS and shared amongst trade unions CGIL, CISL, UIL


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Handbooks and guidelines