Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Guideline to prepare the Report SNPA environmental monitoring AIA-Seveso

This guideline has been prepared by the Working Group 32 - Area 5, among the activities of the working groups ISPRA-ARPA/APPA, appointed by the Federal Council for the 2014-2016 triennium.

This group was set up to prepare the structure of environmental control reports, regarding facilities subject to the Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA), according to art. 29-decies of Legislative Decree n. 152/2006, and facilities subject to the Seveso Directive or to the Legislative Decree no. 334/99,  replaced in 2015 by the Decree n. 105 of  06.06.2015 "Implementation of  Directive 201218  EU on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances".
The guideline shows the structure of the future control reports that will be prepared within the activities of another WG regarding the control activities carried out by the agency system in 2015, with specific reference to the two issues above mentioned.


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Handbooks and guidelines