Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Manual for asbestos risk assessment in environmental agencies

The present document has been produced  by the inter-agencies center “Workplace Health and Safety ”. In particular it has been completed by the group “Asbestos Risk”, comprising ISPRA, ARPA Piemonte (leader), ARPA Liguria, ARPA Puglia, ARPA Basilicata, ARPA Sardegna and with a significant contribution by ARPA Toscana and ARPA Veneto.

The objective of the guide is to present an approach, which should be shared by all environmental agencies, to assess and tackle common fire safety  issues in workplaces;  the procedures presented in the present document are mostly concerned with  i) worker’s safety ii) compliance with current health and safety legislationThis manual is by far not comprehensive and exhaustive, and it is by no means intended as a  replacement of the appropriate official sources; it is however a practical, user friendly guide, proposing  a flexible approach,  which can be adapted  to tackle different agency-specific problems that could emerge in several different contexts.

The present document  is mostly aimed at people working within Agencies for the assessment of  asbestos risk: prevention and safety services.

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Handbooks and guidelines