Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Biological methods for waters. Part I

Directive 60/2000/CE, known as the Water Framework Directive and implemented by D.Lgs.152/2006, requires the development of biological methods for determining the state of ecological quality of all surface water bodies, with the goal to be reached by 2015, to obtain a "good" ecological status. The publication consists of a general part that describes the requirements of the Directive and the Community Strategy for Implementing Directive 60/2000/CE, and individual volumes illustrating the sampling protocols for the different elements of the biological quality of rivers and lakes. Protocols for chemical and physical parameters to support the biological elements are also defined.


General Part

Chemical and physical methods
Protocol for sampling of chemical and physical parameters in support of the biological elements in surface waters
Protocol for sampling of chemical and physical parameters in support of the biological elements in lake environment

Protocol for sampling of benthic macroinvertebrates of passable watercourses
Sampling protocol and analysis of benthic diatoms of watercourses
Protocol for sampling and analysis for the  macrophytes of current waters
Protocol for sampling and analysis of the fish fauna of lotic systems

Protocol for sampling and analysis of macroinvertebrates in lake environments
Protocol for sampling of phytoplankton in lake environment
Sampling protocol of the fish fauna of the Italian lakes
Sampling protocol for aquatic macrophytes in lake environment

Handbooks and guidelines